2012 "Leads on the Lake" Sectional

November 8-11

EVENT>Saturday Open Pairs      |SESSION>Sat Morn 1of2|SECTION> G N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>November 10, 2012  |SANCTION>S1211055  | 11/10/2012 14:07|EVENT CODE>10O
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Clear Lake, TX  |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  156.0 |TOP>  12 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |CLUB>Leads on the Lake Sect.
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=16/B=11/C=4                     ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- --------------
 1 Jerry Bowen            Joyce Garner             B    .     .     .    141.00  45.19              G - 1 - N-S
 2 Judy Walker            Donna Floyd              C    .     .     .    120.00  38.46              G -11 - E-W
 3 Daniel Suty            Georgiana Gates          A    1     .     .    198.00  63.46  2.17(A)     G -13 - E-W
 4 Jane Clipson           James Clipson Jr         B    3     2     .    187.50  60.10  1.09(A)     G - 4 - N-S
 5 Byron Fackenthall      Barbara Bradt            C    .     3     1    154.50  49.52  0.82(C)     G -14 - E-W
 6 Richard Polunsky       William Smith            A    .     .     .    156.00  50.00              G - 7 - N-S
 7 Mark Meigs             Mack Meigs               B    .     .     .    141.50  45.35              G - 6 - N-S
 8 Nelson Brown, Jr       Dana Brown               B    .     4     .    147.50  47.28  0.52(B)     G - 2 - E-W
 9 Paul Stereff           George Wieland           A    5     .     .    173.00  55.45  0.43(A)     G - 3 - E-W
10 Naomi Spicer           Bobbie Jones             B    .     .     .    134.00  42.95              G -10 - N-S
11 William Houck          Suzanne Houck            C    .     .     .    124.50  39.90              G -11 - N-S
12 Marsha Bernstein       Betty Freedman           A    4     .     .    182.00  58.33  0.76(A)     G -13 - N-S
13 Lewie Travis Jr        James Winfield           B    .     .     .    146.50  46.96              G - 6 - E-W
14 Mj Patricia Harley     Maureen Viaclovsky       C    .     .     2    129.00  41.35  0.57(C)     One Session
15 Edith Reid             Ida Morrow               A    6     .     .    165.00  52.88  0.36(A)     G - 9 - E-W
16 Debi Balter            Jack Balter              B    2     1     .    196.00  62.82  1.52(A)     One Session

                                          Totals                        2496.00

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13    14    15    16
   1>                 4-   12     9-    9-   11     4-    8     1     4-    0     7     2     4-
         ----  ---- -180   200  -120  -120   100  -180  -140  -400  -180  -430  -150  -210  -180   ----

   2>                 9-    9-    0     7     7    11    12     7     3-    1     3-    3-    3-
         ----  ----  140   140  -500   120   120   170   500   120    50  -110    50    50    50   ----

   3>                       9     1    11     6     6     6     6     3     6     1     1    12    10
         ----  ----  ---- -600  -650  -140  -620  -620  -620  -620  -630  -620  -650  -650   100  -200

   4>                       8     3    11     0     1     2     8     4     6     8     5    10    12
         ----  ----  ----  200  -100   620  -670  -300  -200   200   100   150   200   130   600  1400

   5>     4                       4     4     4    10     4     4     4     4     4     9    11-   11-
        -460   ----  ----  ---- -460  -460  -460  -150  -460  -460  -460  -460  -460  -420    50    50

   6>     2                       6-   10     4-    2     2     4-   11-   11-    0     8-    8-    6-
        -130   ----  ----  ---- -100   100  -110  -130  -130  -110   140   140  -300   -50   -50  -100

   7>     3-    3-                      0     7-    3-    9    11     6     3-    7-   12     1    10
        -200  -200   ----  ----  ---- -620  -150  -200  -130  -100  -170  -200  -150   200  -500  -110

   8>     4-    4-                      2    10     4-    8      -   11    12     8      -    4-    8
          50    50   ----  ----  ---- -100   140    50   130  -140   150   430   130  -140    50   130

   9>     7     7      -                       -    7     7     7     2     7     7     7    12     7
        -620  -620  -650   ----  ----  ---- -650  -620  -620  -620  -630  -620  -620  -620  -170  -620

  10>    10-    6-    2-                     10-    2-   10-    2-    2-    2-    6-    2-    8    10-
         620   170  -200   ----  ----  ----  620  -200   620  -200  -200  -200   170  -200   600   620

  11>     8     4     4    11                       8     4    11     1    11     4     8     4     0
         450   300   300   480   ----  ----  ----  450   300   480   230   480   300   450   300    50

  12>     9     3    11     5-                      9     1    12     9     0     5-    2     5-    5-
         620   100   650   500   ----  ----  ----  620  -100   800   620  -200   500    50   500   500

  13>     3     1    11     5-   12                      10     3     7-    9     7-    0     3     5-
         100  -110   630   130   660   ----  ----  ----  200   100   150   170   150  -170   100   130

  14>     3-    9-    9-    9-    3-                      3-    9-    3-    9-    9-    0     3-    3-
         420   450   450   450   420   ----  ----  ----  420   450   420   450   450    50   420   420

  15>     5     2     7    11    11     2                       0     2     8-    5     8-    5    11
        -100  -200   140   620   620  -200   ----  ----  ---- -400  -200   170  -100   170  -100   620

  16>     6-    3    11    12     3     0                       9     9     9     3     3     6-    3
         -50   -90   110   400   -90  -110   ----  ----  ----  100   100   100   -90   -90   -50   -90

  17>     4-    2     6-    6-    8     9     2                       0    10-    2    12     4-   10-
        -480  -510  -450  -450  -420  -400  -510   ----  ----  ---- -550  -300  -510  -200  -480  -300

  18>     5-     -    5-    5-    5-    5-    5-                     11    11     5-   11     5-     -
         630   600   630   630   630   630   630   ----  ----  ----  660   660   630   660   630   600

  19>     4-    2     4-     -    9-    9-    4-    9-                      4-    9-     -    9-    9-
        -140  -150  -140  -170  -100  -100  -140  -100   ----  ----  ---- -140  -100  -170  -100  -100

  20>     5     9     9     9     9     5     1-    0                      12     9     3     5     1-
         -90   100   100   100   100   -90  -120  -300   ----  ----  ----  200   100  -100   -90  -120

  21>     5-    2-   11     5-    1     2-    8-    5-   11                      11     0     5-    8-
        -140  -170    50  -140  -300  -170  -100  -140    50   ----  ----  ----   50  -420  -140  -100

  22>     9     1     9     9     3-    3-    0     9     9                       3-    3-    9     9
         480   420   480   480   450   450   -50   480   480   ----  ----  ----  450   450   480   480

  23>    11-    2-   11-    5-    5-    2-    2-    8-    2-    0                       8-    8-    8-
         300  -120   300   100   100  -120  -120   200  -120  -210   ----  ----  ----  200   200   200

  24>     6-    4-   10     0    10    10     4-    2-    6-   10                       1     2-   10
          50  -110   100  -420   100   100  -110  -140    50   100   ----  ----  ---- -170  -140   100

  25>     1     3    12     7-    7-    7-    7-    7-    7-    0     2                       7-    7-
        -620   170   450   200   200   200   200   200   200  -650   140   ----  ----  ----  200   200

  26>     8     4-    9-    4-    4-   11-    0     4-   11-    1     9-                      4-    4-
         -90  -110   100  -110  -110   110  -200  -110   110  -120   100   ----  ----  ---- -110  -110

  27>     6     6     6     6     1     0     6     6    11     6     6     6                      12
         460   460   460   460   430   150   460   460   490   460   460   460   ----  ----  ----  500

  28>     0     4     2     9    11-    7     5-    2     8     5-    2    11-                     10
        -200    90  -100   150   600   120   110  -100   140   110  -100   600   ----  ----  ----  180

  29>     2-    9    11     2-    6-    6-   11     1    11     5     4     8     0
        -200   600   620  -200   130   130   620  -300   620   110  -100   170  -400   ----  ----  ----

  30>     5     9-    5    12      -    5     5     9-    5     5      -   11     5
        -430  -400  -430   100  -460  -430  -430  -400  -430  -430  -460    50  -430   ----  ----  ----

  31>           5     5     5    11    10    12     5     0     5     5     5     5     5
         ---- -420  -420  -420  -200  -400   200  -420  -450  -420  -420  -420  -420  -420   ----  ----

  32>          11    10     6-    6-    4-    4-    8     3      -     -    2     9    12
         ----  100    90  -140  -140  -300  -300  -110  -500  -800  -800  -620   -50   200   ----  ----

EVENT>Saturday Open Pairs      |SESSION>Sat Morn 1of2|SECTION> G E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>November 10, 2012  |SANCTION>S1211055  | 11/10/2012 14:07|EVENT CODE>10O
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Clear Lake, TX  |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  156.0 |TOP>  12 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |CLUB>Leads on the Lake Sect.
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=16/B=11/C=5                     ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- --------------
 1 Wayne Miller           James Gernentz           B    .     .     .    145.50  46.63              G -10 - E-W
 2 Greg Johnson           Peggy Naughton           C    .     4     1    156.00  50.00  0.88(C)     G - 2 - N-S
 3 Edward Groner          Vinh Tran                A    6     .     .    164.00  52.56  0.36(A)     G - 3 - N-S
 4 Sanford Lobliner       Youssef Youssef          B    .     .     .    151.50  48.56              G -12 - E-W
 5 Jack Rawitscher        Arlene Rawitscher        C    .     .     .    146.00  46.79              G - 5 - N-S
 6 Joe Choate             Marilyn Leboy            A    3     .     .    177.00  56.73  1.09(A)     G -15 - E-W
 7 Marsha Shortt          Mark Leighton            B    .     .     .    141.50  45.35              G - 1 - E-W
 8 David Glandorf         James Frick              B    .     3     .    158.00  50.64  0.74(B)     G - 8 - N-S
 9 W Lease                L Laird                  A    1     .     .    223.50  71.63  2.17(A)     G - 9 - N-S
10 Alfred Fortier III     Steve Tuggle             B    5     2     .    168.00  53.85  1.04(B)     G - 4 - E-W
11 Norma Callender        Donald Bell              C    .     .     .    104.00  33.33              G - 5 - E-W
12 John Erickson          Ralda St Pierre          A    4     .     .    174.00  55.77  0.76(A)     G - 7 - E-W
13 Himanshu Joshi         John Heath               B    2     1     .    180.00  57.69  1.52(A)     G -12 - N-S
14 Harry Espey            Carolyn Espey            C    .     .     .    131.50  42.15              G -14 - N-S
15 Joan Sitton            Victor Sitton            A    .     .     .    128.50  41.19              G -15 - N-S
16 Margot Leonard         Shirley Hooks            C    .     .     2    147.00  47.12  0.62(C)     One Session

                                          Totals                        2496.00

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13    14    15    16
   1>                 4          11     7-    7-    0    12     2-    5     2-   10     1     7-    7-
         ----  ----  140   ----  400   180   180  -200   430   120   150   120   210  -100   180   180

   2>                 0           5     2-    8-    2-   11    12     8-    5     8-    5     8-    1
         ----  ---- -500   ---- -120  -140   -50  -140   110   500   -50  -120   -50  -120   -50  -170

   3>     6                 6           9     3     6    11    11     1    11     6     0     6     2
         620   ----  ----  620   ----  630   600   620   650   650   140   650   620  -100   620   200

   4>    10                 4           8     4     6     9     4     1     7    12     2    11     0
         200   ----  ---- -200   ---- -100  -200  -150   100  -200  -620  -130   670  -600   300 -1400

   5>     8     8                 8           8     8     8     8     3     8      -    2      -    8
         460   460   ----  ----  460   ----  460   460   460   460   420   460   -50   150   -50   460

   6>    10     7-                 -           -    5-   12     2     3-    7-    3-   10     5-   10
         130   110   ----  ---- -140   ---- -140   100   300  -100    50   110    50   130   100   130

   7>     1     8-    6                 8-          4-   12     0     4-   11     8-    2     3     8-
         100   200   170   ----  ----  200   ----  150   620  -200   150   500   200   110   130   200

   8>    11-    7-    1                 0           4    10    11-    2     7-    7-    4     4     7-
         140   -50  -150   ----  ---- -430   ---- -130   100   140  -140   -50   -50  -130  -130   -50

   9>     5    10    11-    5                 5           5    11-    0     5     5     5     5     5
         620   630   650   620   ----  ----  620   ----  620   650   170   620   620   620   620   620

  10>     5-    9-    9-    9-                5-          9-    1-    4     9-    1-    1-    1-    9-
        -170   200   200   200   ----  ---- -170   ----  200  -620  -600   200  -620  -620  -620   200

  11>    11     8     1     1     8                 4           8     4    12     8     4     1     8
        -230  -300  -480  -480  -300   ----  ---- -450   ---- -300  -450   -50  -300  -450  -480  -300

  12>     3     1    12     6-    6-               10           6-    3     6-   11     3     0     9
        -620  -650   200  -500  -500   ----  ----  -50   ---- -500  -620  -500   100  -620  -800  -100

  13>     1     3     6-    4-    0    12                 9           6-    2     9     9    11     4-
        -630  -170  -130  -150  -660   170   ----  ---- -100   ---- -130  -200  -100  -100   110  -150

  14>     2-    2-    2-    2-    8-   12                 8-          8-    8-    8-    2-    2-    8-
        -450  -450  -450  -450  -420   -50   ----  ---- -420   ---- -420  -420  -420  -450  -450  -420

  15>     3-    1     7     1     3-   10     7                 1           7    12    10    10     5
        -170  -620   100  -620  -170   200   100   ----  ---- -620   ----  100   400   200   200  -140

  16>     3     0     9     9     9    12     5-                9           5-    3     9     3     1
        -100  -400    90    90    90   110    50   ----  ----   90   ----   50  -100    90  -100  -110

  17>     5-   10     4     0     3     7-   10     1-                7-         10    12     5-    1-
         450   510   420   200   400   480   510   300   ----  ----  480   ----  510   550   450   300

  18>     6-    6-    6-    1     6-    6-    6-   11-                6-         11-    1     6-    1
        -630  -630  -630  -660  -630  -630  -630  -600   ----  ---- -630   ---- -600  -660  -630  -660

  19>     2-    2-   11-    2-    2-    7-    2-    2-    7-               10           7-    7-   11-
         100   100   170   100   100   140   100   100   140   ----  ----  150   ----  140   140   170

  20>     3     3     9     7     7    10-   10-   12     7                 3           3     0     3
        -100  -100   100    90    90   120   120   300    90   ----  ---- -100   ---- -100  -200  -100

  21>    11    12     9-    6-    3-    3-    6-    6-    1     9-                1           6-    1
         300   420   170   140   100   100   140   140   -50   170   ----  ----  -50   ----  140   -50

  22>     8-    8-    8-    3    12     3     3     3     3    11                 3           3     8-
        -450  -450  -450  -480    50  -480  -480  -480  -480  -420   ----  ---- -480   ---- -480  -450

  23>     3-    9-    3-    9-    3-    3-     -    9-    9-   12      -                6-          6-
        -200   120  -200   120  -200  -200  -300   120   120   210  -300   ----  ---- -100   ---- -100

  24>    11     2     9-    7-    2     9-    5-    5-    7-    2     2                12           2
         170  -100   140   110  -100   140   -50   -50   110  -100  -100   ----  ----  420   ---- -100

  25>     4-    4-    4-    4-    4-   11     4-    9    12     0    10     4-                4-
        -200  -200  -200  -200  -200   620  -200  -170   650  -450  -140  -200   ----  ---- -200   ----

  26>      -    7-   12     7-    7-    4      -    7-   11     2-    2-    7-                7-
        -110   110   200   110   110    90  -110   110   120  -100  -100   110   ----  ----  110   ----

  27>           6     0     6     6     1     6     6     6     6     6     6    11                12
         ---- -460  -500  -460  -460  -490  -460  -460  -460  -460  -460  -460  -430   ----  ---- -150

  28>           6-    2    10    12     4     8     6-   10    10     3      -     -                5
         ---- -110  -180   100   200  -140   -90  -110   100   100  -150  -600  -600   ----  ---- -120

  29>     1          11     9-    1     3     7     1     8     9-    4     5-   12     5-
        -620   ----  300   200  -620  -600  -110  -620   100   200  -170  -130   400  -130   ----  ----

  30>     7           2-    7     7     2-    7     7    11-    0     1    11-    7     7
         430   ----  400   430   430   400   430   430   460  -100   -50   460   430   430   ----  ----

  31>           7          12     7     7     7     7     7     7     1     7     2     7     0
         ----  420   ----  450   420   420   420   420   420   420   200   420   400   420  -200   ----

  32>           4           9     1    11-    2    11-    5-   10     5-    3     7-    0     7-
         ----  110   ----  500  -100   800   -90   800   140   620   140    50   300  -200   300   ----
Saturday Open Pairs, Sat Morn 1of2, November 10, 2012

Board 1
North Deals
None Vul
♠ 6 5
Q 9 6 5 3
J 8
♣ J 8 7 3
♠ K 9 4
K 7 4
A K Q 6
♣ Q 10 4
♠ 10 7 3 2
9 5 3
♣ A K 9 6 2
♠ A Q J 8
A J 10 8
10 7 4 2
♣ 5

EW 3N; EW 3♠; EW 4♣; EW 3; NS 1; Par −400

4 W-420012.000.004-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
4 ♠ E-210011.001.007-Meigs-Meigs vs 14-Espey-Espey
1 NT W21209.502.505-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
1 NT W21209.502.506-Polunsky-Smith vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
2 ♠ E31408.004.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 3-Groner-Tran
1 NT W31507.005.0013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 11-Callender-Bell
1 NT W41804.507.503-Suty-Gates vs 6-Choate-Leboy
1 NT W41804.507.508-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
1 NT W41804.507.5011-Houck-Houck vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
1 NT W41804.507.5015-Reid-Morrow vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
1 NT W52102.0010.0014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 13-Joshi-Heath
3 NT E34001.0011.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
3 NT E44300.0012.0012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 9-Lease-Laird

Board 2
East Deals
N-S Vul
♠ A 9
K J 7 5
K 10 7 3 2
♣ A 10
♠ Q 6 5 4 3
Q 9 2
♣ 8 6 5
♠ K 10 8
10 8
J 9 8 6 5
♣ K Q 3
♠ J 7 2
A 6 4 3
♣ J 9 7 4 2

NS 3; N 3♣; NS 1N; S 2♣; EW 1♠; NS 1; Par +140

3 ♠ x W-350012.000.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 3-Groner-Tran
3 N417011.001.008-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
2 S31409.502.503-Suty-Gates vs 6-Choate-Leboy
3 S31409.502.504-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
1 NT N21207.005.006-Polunsky-Smith vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
1 NT N21207.005.007-Meigs-Meigs vs 14-Espey-Espey
1 NT N21207.005.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
2 ♠ W-1503.508.5011-Houck-Houck vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
2 ♠ W-1503.508.5013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 11-Callender-Bell
2 ♠ W-1503.508.5014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 13-Joshi-Heath
3 ♠ W-1503.508.5015-Reid-Morrow vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
2 ♠ W21101.0011.0012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 9-Lease-Laird
3 x N-25000.0012.005-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle

Board 3
South Deals
E-W Vul
♠ J 10 2
J 10 4 3 2
Q 7
♣ Q J 7
♠ A 6 5
8 6
A 10 8 6 2
♣ 10 9 8
♠ K Q 9 8 3
K 9 7 5
K 5
♣ A K
♠ 7 4
J 9 4 3
♣ 6 5 4 3 2

EW 5♠; EW 4N; EW 3; EW 3; EW 1♣; Par −650

4 ♠ E-110012.000.0015-Reid-Morrow vs 14-Espey-Espey
2 ♠ E314011.001.006-Polunsky-Smith vs 11-Callender-Bell
3 ♠ E520010.002.0016-Balter-Balter vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
3 NT E36009.003.004-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
4 ♠ E46206.006.007-Meigs-Meigs vs 13-Joshi-Heath
4 ♠ E46206.006.008-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
4 ♠ E46206.006.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
4 ♠ E46206.006.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
4 ♠ E46206.006.0012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
3 NT E46303.009.0011-Houck-Houck vs 6-Choate-Leboy
4 ♠ E56501.0011.005-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 9-Lease-Laird
4 ♠ E56501.0011.0013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
4 ♠ E56501.0011.0014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre

Board 4
West Deals
Both Vul
♠ 6 3
A K 7 4 3
♣ J 10 5 3 2
♠ 8 7 5
J 10 5 2
K Q J 9 7 2
♣ —
♠ A K 10 4
Q 9 8 6
8 5 4
♣ K 6
♠ Q J 9 2

A 10 3
♣ A Q 9 8 7 4

NS 5♣; NS 2N; E 3; W 2; NS 1♠; E 1; Par +500: E 5x-2

5 x E-5140012.000.0016-Balter-Balter vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
5 ♣ S662011.001.006-Polunsky-Smith vs 11-Callender-Bell
5 ♣ S560010.002.0015-Reid-Morrow vs 14-Espey-Espey
5 x E-12008.004.004-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
5 E-22008.004.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
4 x E-12008.004.0013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
4 ♣ S51506.006.0012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
4 ♣ S41305.007.0014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
4 W-11004.008.0011-Houck-Houck vs 6-Choate-Leboy
5 ♣ S-11003.009.005-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 9-Lease-Laird
6 ♣ N-22002.0010.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
3 N-33001.0011.008-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
3 x W36700.0012.007-Meigs-Meigs vs 13-Joshi-Heath

Board 5
North Deals
N-S Vul
♠ J 9 8 7
9 8 5 3
♣ 10 8 7 2
♠ 6 3 2
K 7
K Q J 2
♣ A K 9 5
♠ A K Q 4
Q 10 9
10 7 6 4
♣ Q J
♠ 10 5
A J 8 5 4 3 2
♣ 6 4 3

EW 5N; EW 4; EW 3♣; EW 1♠; EW 1; Par −460

5 E-15011.500.5015-Reid-Morrow vs 13-Joshi-Heath
5 E-15011.500.5016-Balter-Balter vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
4 E515010.002.008-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 14-Espey-Espey
4 ♠ E44209.003.0014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 11-Callender-Bell
3 NT W54604.008.001-Bowen-Garner vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
3 NT E54604.008.005-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
3 NT W54604.008.006-Polunsky-Smith vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
3 NT W54604.008.007-Meigs-Meigs vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
3 NT W54604.008.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
3 NT W54604.008.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
3 NT W54604.008.0011-Houck-Houck vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
3 NT W54604.008.0012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
3 NT E54604.008.0013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 9-Lease-Laird

Board 6
East Deals
E-W Vul
♠ A 9 8 6 3
K Q 7 4
♣ J 6 5
♠ 10 5
A J 9 6 5
A 9 5
♣ A 9 3
♠ K Q
3 2
10 8 6 4 3 2
♣ K Q 4
♠ J 7 4 2
10 8
Q J 7
♣ 10 8 7 2

W 2; EW 3; NS 1♠; E 1; Par −110

3 ♠ N314011.500.5011-Houck-Houck vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
3 ♠ N314011.500.5012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
4 E-110010.002.006-Polunsky-Smith vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
2 ♠ N-1508.503.5014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 11-Callender-Bell
2 ♠ S-1508.503.5015-Reid-Morrow vs 13-Joshi-Heath
3 ♠ N-21006.505.505-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
3 ♠ N-21006.505.5016-Balter-Balter vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
2 E31104.507.507-Meigs-Meigs vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
2 E31104.507.5010-Spicer-Jones vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
4 E41302.0010.001-Bowen-Garner vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
3 E41302.0010.008-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 14-Espey-Espey
3 E41302.0010.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
3 ♠ x S-23000.0012.0013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 9-Lease-Laird

Board 7
South Deals
Both Vul
♠ K Q 9 3
A J 10 9 6 2
♣ J 7
♠ A J 8
8 3
A K 10 8 7 6
♣ K Q
♠ 10 7 6 4
K 5
5 2
♣ A 10 4 3 2
♠ 5 2
Q 7 4
J 9 4 3
♣ 9 8 6 5

EW 3♠; EW 4; EW 4♣; EW 2N; NS 2; Par −140

3 NT E-220012.000.0014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
3 N-110011.001.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
3 W311010.002.0016-Balter-Balter vs 14-Espey-Espey
3 W41309.003.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
4 W51507.504.507-Meigs-Meigs vs 11-Callender-Bell
3 W51507.504.5013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
3 ♠ W41706.006.0011-Houck-Houck vs 3-Groner-Tran
2 N-22003.508.501-Bowen-Garner vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
3 x N-12003.508.502-Walker-Floyd vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
3 N-22003.508.508-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 13-Joshi-Heath
3 x N-12003.508.5012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 6-Choate-Leboy
4 x N-25001.0011.0015-Reid-Morrow vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
4 ♠ W46200.0012.006-Polunsky-Smith vs 9-Lease-Laird

Board 8
West Deals
None Vul
♠ K Q 9 2
Q 8 4
A 6 5 2
♣ 8 7
♠ 10 8 7
9 7 6 3 2
K 10 3
♣ Q 3
♠ A J 3
A K J 10 5
J 9 7
♣ 5 2
♠ 6 5 4

Q 8 4
♣ A K J 10 9 6 4

EW 3; N 4♣; N 2N; S 3♣; S 1N; S 2; NS 1♠; N 1; Par +100: EW 4x-1

3 NT N443012.000.0012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 6-Choate-Leboy
4 ♣ S515011.001.0011-Houck-Houck vs 3-Groner-Tran
3 ♠ N314010.002.007-Meigs-Meigs vs 11-Callender-Bell
4 ♣ S41308.004.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
3 ♣ S41308.004.0013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
4 ♣ N41308.004.0016-Balter-Balter vs 14-Espey-Espey
3 E-1504.507.501-Bowen-Garner vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
4 E-1504.507.502-Walker-Floyd vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
4 E-1504.507.508-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 13-Joshi-Heath
4 E-1504.507.5015-Reid-Morrow vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
5 ♣ x S-11002.0010.006-Polunsky-Smith vs 9-Lease-Laird
3 E31400.5011.5010-Spicer-Jones vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
3 E31400.5011.5014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle

Board 9
North Deals
E-W Vul
♠ 5 4 2
7 3
8 5 2
♣ 10 9 7 5 2
♠ 10 8
A 9 8 4
Q J 6 4
♣ K J 6
♠ A J 9 3
K J 5 2
K 9 7
♣ A 4
♠ K Q 7 6
Q 10 6
A 10 3
♣ Q 8 3

E 5N; W 4N; EW 4♠; EW 4; E 5; W 4; EW 2♣; Par −660

2 W417012.000.0015-Reid-Morrow vs 11-Callender-Bell
4 E46207.005.001-Bowen-Garner vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
4 E46207.005.002-Walker-Floyd vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
4 E46207.005.008-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
4 E46207.005.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 14-Espey-Espey
4 E46207.005.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
4 E46207.005.0012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
4 E46207.005.0013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
4 W46207.005.0014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 9-Lease-Laird
4 E46207.005.0016-Balter-Balter vs 13-Joshi-Heath
3 NT E46302.0010.0011-Houck-Houck vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
4 E56500.5011.503-Suty-Gates vs 3-Groner-Tran
4 E56500.5011.507-Meigs-Meigs vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle

Board 10
East Deals
Both Vul
♠ 9 4 3
A 9 8 6 4 2
K J 9
♣ A
♠ A J 8
K 10 5 3
10 8 7 2
♣ K 8
♠ 7 6 5
6 5 3
♣ Q J 9 5 4 3
♠ K Q 10 2
J 7
A Q 4
♣ 10 7 6 2

NS 3♠; NS 3; S 2N; N 1N; NS 2; EW 1♣; Par +140

4 N462010.501.501-Bowen-Garner vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
4 N462010.501.507-Meigs-Meigs vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
4 N462010.501.509-Stereff-Wieland vs 14-Espey-Espey
4 N462010.501.5016-Balter-Balter vs 13-Joshi-Heath
3 NT S36008.004.0015-Reid-Morrow vs 11-Callender-Bell
3 N41706.505.502-Walker-Floyd vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
3 N41706.505.5013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
4 S-22002.509.503-Suty-Gates vs 3-Groner-Tran
4 N-22002.509.508-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
3 NT N-22002.509.5010-Spicer-Jones vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
4 N-22002.509.5011-Houck-Houck vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
4 N-22002.509.5012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
3 NT N-22002.509.5014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 9-Lease-Laird

Board 11
South Deals
None Vul
♠ A J 10 6 5 3
A J 8
♣ A Q 7
♠ Q 8 7
Q 6 5
9 3 2
♣ 9 6 5 3
♠ 9
K 10 9 4 3
A K Q 8 7 6
♣ 4
♠ K 4 2
7 2
J 5 4
♣ K J 10 8 2

NS 6♠; NS 6♣; EW 2; EW 3; NS 1N; Par +800: EW 7x-4

4 ♠ N648011.001.004-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
5 ♠ N648011.001.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
5 ♠ N648011.001.0012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 3-Groner-Tran
5 ♠ N54508.004.001-Bowen-Garner vs 14-Espey-Espey
4 ♠ N54508.004.008-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 11-Callender-Bell
4 ♠ N54508.004.0014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
5 x E-23004.008.002-Walker-Floyd vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
5 x W-23004.008.003-Suty-Gates vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
5 x E-23004.008.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 13-Joshi-Heath
5 x E-23004.008.0013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
5 x E-23004.008.0015-Reid-Morrow vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
3 ♠ N62301.0011.0011-Houck-Houck vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
4 W-1500.0012.0016-Balter-Balter vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre

Board 12
West Deals
N-S Vul
♠ A 3 2
A 9 7 3 2
♣ A Q 10 8
♠ K 8 4
Q 8 7 5 2

♣ J 7 6 4 2
♠ 10 7
A 10 9 4 3
K Q 6 4
♣ 9 5
♠ Q J 9 6 5
J 10 8 5
♣ K 3

NS 5N; S 5♠; N 4♠; NS 4; W 2; NS 2♣; E 1; Par +660

5 x E-480012.000.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
4 ♠ S565011.001.003-Suty-Gates vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
4 ♠ S46209.003.001-Bowen-Garner vs 14-Espey-Espey
4 ♠ S46209.003.008-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 11-Callender-Bell
4 ♠ S46209.003.0011-Houck-Houck vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
5 x E-35005.506.504-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
4 x E-35005.506.5013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
5 x E-35005.506.5015-Reid-Morrow vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
5 x E-35005.506.5016-Balter-Balter vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
4 W-21003.009.002-Walker-Floyd vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
4 E-1502.0010.0014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
4 ♠ N-11001.0011.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 13-Joshi-Heath
5 ♠ S-22000.0012.0012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 3-Groner-Tran

Board 13
North Deals
Both Vul
♠ 6 3
J 5
K Q 10 8 6
♣ K J 10 6
♠ Q 10 9 2
K Q 10 9 3
9 5
♣ 7 5
♠ A K J 8 7
8 2
J 7 4
♣ 9 8 4
♠ 5 4
A 7 6 4
A 3 2
♣ A Q 3 2

NS 4; NS 4♣; NS 2N; EW 2♠; Par +130

3 NT S566012.000.005-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
3 NT N463011.001.003-Suty-Gates vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
3 ♠ x E-120010.002.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
2 ♣ S61709.003.0012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
4 N41507.504.5011-Houck-Houck vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
2 ♣ S51507.504.5013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
3 N41305.506.504-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 3-Groner-Tran
4 N41305.506.5016-Balter-Balter vs 11-Callender-Bell
3 ♠ E-11003.009.001-Bowen-Garner vs 13-Joshi-Heath
3 ♠ E-11003.009.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 14-Espey-Espey
3 ♠ E-11003.009.0015-Reid-Morrow vs 9-Lease-Laird
2 ♠ E21101.0011.002-Walker-Floyd vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
2 ♠ E41700.0012.0014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 6-Choate-Leboy

Board 14
East Deals
None Vul
♠ A Q 10 6 4 2

Q 9 3
♣ K J 9 7
♠ J 5
A J 9 6 5 4 2
♣ 10 6 2
♠ K 9
10 7 6 5 4 2
♣ Q 5 3
♠ 8 7 3
10 8 7 3
A K 8
♣ A 8 4

NS 6♠; NS 3N; NS 5♣; EW 2; NS 3; Par +980

5 ♠ N54509.502.502-Walker-Floyd vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
4 ♠ N54509.502.503-Suty-Gates vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
4 ♠ N54509.502.504-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 3-Groner-Tran
4 ♠ N54509.502.5010-Spicer-Jones vs 14-Espey-Espey
4 ♠ N54509.502.5012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
4 ♠ N54509.502.5013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
4 ♠ N44203.508.501-Bowen-Garner vs 13-Joshi-Heath
4 ♠ N44203.508.505-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
4 ♠ N44203.508.509-Stereff-Wieland vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
4 ♠ N44203.508.5011-Houck-Houck vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
4 ♠ N44203.508.5015-Reid-Morrow vs 9-Lease-Laird
4 ♠ N44203.508.5016-Balter-Balter vs 11-Callender-Bell
5 E-1500.0012.0014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 6-Choate-Leboy

Board 15
South Deals
N-S Vul
♠ K 5 3
Q 10 7 6 5 3
A 8 4
♣ 10
♠ Q 10
K 4 2
Q J 7 5
♣ Q 7 6 5
♠ A 6 4
A J 9 8
10 6 3
♣ 9 4 3
♠ J 9 8 7 2

K 9 2
♣ A K J 8 2

NS 4♠; NS 1; NS 1; NS 1♣; Par +620

4 ♠ S462011.001.004-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
4 ♠ S462011.001.005-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
4 ♠ S462011.001.0016-Balter-Balter vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
2 ♠ S41708.503.5012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
3 ♠ S41708.503.5014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
3 ♠ S31407.005.003-Suty-Gates vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
4 ♠ S-11005.007.001-Bowen-Garner vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
4 ♠ S-11005.007.0013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 3-Groner-Tran
4 ♠ S-11005.007.0015-Reid-Morrow vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
2 N-22002.0010.002-Walker-Floyd vs 14-Espey-Espey
4 ♠ S-22002.0010.006-Polunsky-Smith vs 6-Choate-Leboy
4 ♠ S-22002.0010.0011-Houck-Houck vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
3 NT N-44000.0012.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 13-Joshi-Heath

Board 16
West Deals
E-W Vul
♠ Q 7 2
K Q 9 2
9 8
♣ Q J 6 5
♠ 9 6 5 3
8 3
10 7 5 2
♣ K 3 2
♠ A J
A 10 7
A Q 6 4
♣ A 9 7 4
♠ K 10 8 4
J 6 5 4
K J 3
♣ 10 8

NS 1N; EW 2; NS 1♠; NS 1; EW 1♣; Par −90

3 NT E-440012.000.004-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
2 N211011.001.003-Suty-Gates vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
2 W-11009.003.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 13-Joshi-Heath
2 E-11009.003.0011-Houck-Houck vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
1 NT E-11009.003.0012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
3 S-1506.505.501-Bowen-Garner vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
2 ♠ S-1506.505.5015-Reid-Morrow vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
1 NT E1903.009.002-Walker-Floyd vs 14-Espey-Espey
1 E2903.009.005-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
2 E2903.009.0013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 3-Groner-Tran
1 E2903.009.0014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
1 E2903.009.0016-Balter-Balter vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
1 E31100.0012.006-Polunsky-Smith vs 6-Choate-Leboy

Board 17
North Deals
None Vul
♠ J 10
K Q 9 7
Q 9 3
♣ A 7 4 3
♠ A K Q 4 3 2
A 5
J 10 5
♣ J 10
♠ 9 8 7
J 10 4
A K 7 6 4 2
♣ 5
♠ 6 5
8 6 3 2
♣ K Q 9 8 6 2

EW 6♠; EW 6; NS 2; NS 3♣; EW 1N; Par −800: NS 7♣x-4

3 ♠ W520012.000.0014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
5 ♣ x N-230010.501.5012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
5 ♣ x N-230010.501.5016-Balter-Balter vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
5 E54009.003.006-Polunsky-Smith vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
4 ♠ W44208.004.005-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 3-Groner-Tran
4 ♠ W54506.505.503-Suty-Gates vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
4 ♠ W54506.505.504-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
4 ♠ W64804.507.501-Bowen-Garner vs 11-Callender-Bell
4 ♠ W64804.507.5015-Reid-Morrow vs 6-Choate-Leboy
4 ♠ W75102.0010.002-Walker-Floyd vs 13-Joshi-Heath
4 ♠ E75102.0010.007-Meigs-Meigs vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
4 ♠ W75102.0010.0013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
5 x E55500.0012.0011-Houck-Houck vs 14-Espey-Espey

Board 18
East Deals
N-S Vul
♠ Q J 6 5
Q 6
A J 6
♣ A 8 5 4
♠ A 10 9 7 3
J 9 5
7 4 3
♣ 6 3
♠ K 2
10 3 2
10 9 8 5
♣ K Q 10 9
♠ 8 4
A K 8 7 4
K Q 2
♣ J 7 2

N 4N; N 4; S 3N; S 3; NS 2♠; N 3; NS 3♣; S 2; Par +630

3 NT S566011.001.0011-Houck-Houck vs 14-Espey-Espey
3 NT N566011.001.0012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
3 NT N566011.001.0014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
3 NT S46305.506.501-Bowen-Garner vs 11-Callender-Bell
3 NT S46305.506.503-Suty-Gates vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
3 NT N46305.506.504-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
3 NT N46305.506.505-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 3-Groner-Tran
3 NT S46305.506.506-Polunsky-Smith vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
3 NT S46305.506.507-Meigs-Meigs vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
3 NT S46305.506.5013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
3 NT S46305.506.5015-Reid-Morrow vs 6-Choate-Leboy
3 NT N36000.5011.502-Walker-Floyd vs 13-Joshi-Heath
3 NT S36000.5011.5016-Balter-Balter vs 8-Glandorf-Frick

Board 19
South Deals
E-W Vul
♠ 8
10 4 3
9 7 6 3
♣ Q 10 7 4 2
♠ A 10 9 6 4
K 6 5
8 4 2
♣ A J
♠ K Q J 5 3
A 9 2
10 5
♣ 6 5 3
♠ 7 2
Q J 8 7
♣ K 9 8

EW 3♠; EW 2N; NS 3; NS 3♣; NS 1; Par −100: NS 4♣x-1; NS 4x-1

1 NT S-21009.502.505-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
1 NT S-21009.502.506-Polunsky-Smith vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
1 NT S-21009.502.508-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
1 NT S-21009.502.5013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
1 NT S-21009.502.5015-Reid-Morrow vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
1 NT S-21009.502.5016-Balter-Balter vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
3 ♠ E31404.507.501-Bowen-Garner vs 9-Lease-Laird
3 ♠ W31404.507.503-Suty-Gates vs 14-Espey-Espey
3 ♠ E31404.507.507-Meigs-Meigs vs 6-Choate-Leboy
3 ♠ W31404.507.5012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
1 NT S-31502.0010.002-Walker-Floyd vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
3 ♠ W41700.5011.504-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
2 ♠ E41700.5011.5014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 3-Groner-Tran

Board 20
West Deals
Both Vul
♠ J 7 6
K 9 6

♣ Q J 10 8 7 5 3
♠ Q 5
A 4 3
7 6 5 3 2
♣ A K 6
♠ A 10 9 4
Q 8 2
A 10 8 4
♣ 9 2
♠ K 8 3 2
J 10 7 5
K Q J 9
♣ 4

EW 2N; W 3; E 2; EW 1♠; EW 1; NS 1♣; Par −120

3 NT W-220012.000.0012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
3 NT W-11009.003.002-Walker-Floyd vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
3 W-11009.003.003-Suty-Gates vs 14-Espey-Espey
3 W-11009.003.004-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
3 NT W-11009.003.005-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
3 W-11009.003.0013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
1 NT W1905.007.001-Bowen-Garner vs 9-Lease-Laird
2 W2905.007.006-Polunsky-Smith vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
2 W2905.007.0015-Reid-Morrow vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
3 ♣ N-11003.009.0014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 3-Groner-Tran
1 NT W21201.5010.507-Meigs-Meigs vs 6-Choate-Leboy
1 NT W21201.5010.5016-Balter-Balter vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
3 ♣ S-33000.0012.008-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 8-Glandorf-Frick

Board 21
North Deals
N-S Vul
♠ J 6 3 2
J 8 7 6 4
♣ A 8 5
♠ Q 10 9 8
A J 7 6 5
Q 9 5 2
♣ —
♠ A 4
K 9 3 2
10 3
♣ K 9 6 4 2
♠ K 7 5
Q 10 4
♣ Q J 10 7 3

EW 4; EW 1N; NS 2♣; W 1; Par −420

4 E-15011.001.003-Suty-Gates vs 13-Joshi-Heath
3 W-15011.001.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 9-Lease-Laird
3 W-15011.001.0013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
1 NT S-11008.503.507-Meigs-Meigs vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
1 NT S-11008.503.5016-Balter-Balter vs 6-Choate-Leboy
2 W31405.506.501-Bowen-Garner vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
2 W31405.506.504-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
2 W31405.506.508-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
2 E31405.506.5015-Reid-Morrow vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
3 W41702.509.502-Walker-Floyd vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
2 E41702.509.506-Polunsky-Smith vs 3-Groner-Tran
1 NT S-33001.0011.005-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
4 E44200.0012.0014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 2-Johnson-Naughton

Board 22
East Deals
E-W Vul
♠ A 9 4 2
10 9 7 6 2
♣ 6 4
♠ Q 7
8 5 4 3
J 8 5 4
♣ Q 9 7
♠ 8 5
A 10 9 3 2
♣ K J 5 3 2
♠ K J 10 6 3
7 6
♣ A 10 8

NS 6♠; NS 6; NS 5N; EW 2; EW 1♣; Par +980

4 N64809.003.001-Bowen-Garner vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
4 ♠ S64809.003.003-Suty-Gates vs 13-Joshi-Heath
4 ♠ S64809.003.004-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
4 ♠ S64809.003.008-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
4 ♠ S64809.003.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 9-Lease-Laird
4 ♠ S64809.003.0015-Reid-Morrow vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
4 ♠ S64809.003.0016-Balter-Balter vs 6-Choate-Leboy
5 ♠ S54503.508.505-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
4 ♠ S54503.508.506-Polunsky-Smith vs 3-Groner-Tran
4 ♠ N54503.508.5013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
4 ♠ S54503.508.5014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
4 ♠ S44201.0011.002-Walker-Floyd vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
6 NT N-1500.0012.007-Meigs-Meigs vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher

Board 23
South Deals
Both Vul
♠ A Q J 3
Q 8 5 4
7 6 3 2
♣ J
♠ K 10 6
9 7 3
10 9 8 4
♣ 10 7 4
♠ 7 4
A Q 5
♣ A K 8 6 2
♠ 9 8 5 2
10 6 2
♣ Q 9 5 3

EW 2N; EW 2; EW 2♣; NS 1♠; W 1; Par −120

3 NT W-330011.500.501-Bowen-Garner vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
3 W-330011.500.503-Suty-Gates vs 11-Callender-Bell
2 NT E-22008.503.508-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 6-Choate-Leboy
4 ♣ E-22008.503.5014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
2 NT W-22008.503.5015-Reid-Morrow vs 3-Groner-Tran
3 ♣ E-22008.503.5016-Balter-Balter vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
2 ♣ E-11005.506.504-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 14-Espey-Espey
2 NT E-11005.506.505-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
2 NT E21202.509.502-Walker-Floyd vs 9-Lease-Laird
2 NT E21202.509.506-Polunsky-Smith vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
2 NT E21202.509.507-Meigs-Meigs vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
2 NT E21202.509.509-Stereff-Wieland vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
2 NT E52100.0012.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle

Board 24
West Deals
None Vul
♠ 10 8 3 2
A K 8 5
A J 7 6
♣ 10
♠ A K J
Q 10 9 7 6 4
Q 4 3
♣ 3
♠ 9 7 4
J 3
K 2
♣ A Q J 9 8 4
♠ Q 6 5
10 9 8 5
♣ K 7 6 5 2

EW 3N; EW 3; NS 2; EW 2♣; EW 1♠; Par −300: NS 4x-2

4 x W-110010.002.003-Suty-Gates vs 11-Callender-Bell
4 x W-110010.002.005-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
4 W-210010.002.006-Polunsky-Smith vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
4 x W-110010.002.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
4 x W-110010.002.0016-Balter-Balter vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
4 W-1506.505.501-Bowen-Garner vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
4 W-1506.505.509-Stereff-Wieland vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
3 ♣ E31104.507.502-Walker-Floyd vs 9-Lease-Laird
2 W21104.507.507-Meigs-Meigs vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
2 W31402.509.508-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 6-Choate-Leboy
2 W31402.509.5015-Reid-Morrow vs 3-Groner-Tran
3 W41701.0011.0014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
4 W44200.0012.004-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 14-Espey-Espey

Board 25
North Deals
E-W Vul
♠ 7 5
A K Q 5
9 3
♣ A Q 10 9 4
♠ A 10 8 6
8 7 6
K 7 5 4 2
♣ 6
♠ K Q J 3
A J 10 6
♣ 8 7 5 3
♠ 9 4 2
J 10 9 4 3
Q 8
♣ K J 2

EW 5♠; EW 5; NS 3; NS 3♣; Par −500: NS 6♣x-3; NS 6x-3

4 N545012.000.003-Suty-Gates vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
3 S52007.504.504-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
3 S52007.504.505-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
2 N52007.504.506-Polunsky-Smith vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
3 S52007.504.507-Meigs-Meigs vs 3-Groner-Tran
3 N52007.504.508-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
2 N52007.504.509-Stereff-Wieland vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
3 S52007.504.5015-Reid-Morrow vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
3 S52007.504.5016-Balter-Balter vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
3 S41703.009.002-Walker-Floyd vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
3 S31402.0010.0011-Houck-Houck vs 11-Callender-Bell
4 ♠ E46201.0011.001-Bowen-Garner vs 6-Choate-Leboy
5 ♠ E56500.0012.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 9-Lease-Laird

Board 26
East Deals
Both Vul
♠ 9 5 3
Q 10 9
A Q J 10
♣ K 9 5
♠ A Q J 10
J 6
9 5 3
♣ A 8 6 3
♠ 7 6 4 2
A 5 4
K 6 4
♣ J 7 4
♠ K 8
K 8 7 3 2
8 7 2
♣ Q 10 2

EW 2♠; NS 2; EW 1N; EW 2♣; NS 1; Par −110

2 S211011.500.506-Polunsky-Smith vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
2 N211011.500.509-Stereff-Wieland vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
3 ♠ W-11009.502.503-Suty-Gates vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
3 ♠ E-11009.502.5011-Houck-Houck vs 11-Callender-Bell
1 NT E1908.004.001-Bowen-Garner vs 6-Choate-Leboy
2 ♠ W21104.507.502-Walker-Floyd vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
2 ♠ W21104.507.504-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
1 ♠ E21104.507.505-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
2 ♠ E21104.507.508-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
2 ♠ W21104.507.5015-Reid-Morrow vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
2 ♠ E21104.507.5016-Balter-Balter vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
1 NT W21201.0011.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 9-Lease-Laird
3 N-22000.0012.007-Meigs-Meigs vs 3-Groner-Tran

Board 27
South Deals
None Vul
♠ K 6 4
A J 9 2
A 6
♣ K 8 6 3
♠ 10 9
K Q 8 7 5 4
3 2
♣ Q J 9
♠ J 7 5 3 2
6 3
K 10 5
♣ 7 4 2
♠ A Q 8
Q J 9 8 7 4
♣ A 10 5

NS 6; NS 5N; NS 5♣; NS 3♠; NS 2; Par +920

2 ♠ x E-350012.000.0016-Balter-Balter vs 3-Groner-Tran
3 NT N649011.001.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 6-Choate-Leboy
3 NT N54606.006.001-Bowen-Garner vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
3 NT N54606.006.002-Walker-Floyd vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
3 NT N54606.006.003-Suty-Gates vs 9-Lease-Laird
3 NT N54606.006.004-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 11-Callender-Bell
3 NT N54606.006.007-Meigs-Meigs vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
3 NT N54606.006.008-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
3 NT N54606.006.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
3 NT N54606.006.0011-Houck-Houck vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
3 NT S54606.006.0012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
3 NT N44301.0011.005-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 13-Joshi-Heath
2 W-31500.0012.006-Polunsky-Smith vs 16-Leonard-Hooks

Board 28
West Deals
N-S Vul
♠ K 9 7 6
A 10 6
A Q 5
♣ 9 5 3
♠ Q J 8
K 9 3
J 10 9 7 2
♣ 8 6
♠ 5 4 2
8 7 5
K 8 6
♣ A K 10 2
♠ A 10 3
Q J 4 2
4 3
♣ Q J 7 4

NS 3N; NS 3♠; NS 2; NS 3♣; EW 1; Par +500: EW 4x-3

3 NT N360011.500.505-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 13-Joshi-Heath
3 NT N360011.500.5012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
2 NT N418010.002.0016-Balter-Balter vs 3-Groner-Tran
2 NT S31509.003.004-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 11-Callender-Bell
2 ♠ N31408.004.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 6-Choate-Leboy
1 NT N21207.005.006-Polunsky-Smith vs 16-Leonard-Hooks
2 ♠ N21105.506.507-Meigs-Meigs vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
2 S21105.506.5010-Spicer-Jones vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
1 NT S1904.008.002-Walker-Floyd vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
1 NT S-11002.0010.003-Suty-Gates vs 9-Lease-Laird
3 NT N-11002.0010.008-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
2 NT S-11002.0010.0011-Houck-Houck vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
3 NT S-22000.0012.001-Bowen-Garner vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher

Board 29
North Deals
Both Vul
♠ J 6
K 2
A K 10 6 2
♣ 9 8 4 3
♠ K 8 3
10 9 8 4
♣ K Q J 7 2
♠ A 10 9 2
6 5
Q 7 5 4
♣ 10 6 5
♠ Q 7 5 4
A Q J 7 3
J 9 8
♣ A

N 4; S 3; NS 4; NS 2N; NS 1♠; EW 1♣; Par +620

4 S462011.001.003-Suty-Gates vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
4 S462011.001.007-Meigs-Meigs vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
4 S462011.001.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
3 NT N36009.003.002-Walker-Floyd vs 6-Choate-Leboy
3 S41708.004.0012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 11-Callender-Bell
2 N41306.505.505-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
2 N41306.505.506-Polunsky-Smith vs 14-Espey-Espey
3 S31105.007.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
3 NT S-11004.008.0011-Houck-Houck vs 9-Lease-Laird
4 S-22002.509.501-Bowen-Garner vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
4 N-22002.509.504-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
3 NT N-33001.0011.008-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 3-Groner-Tran
5 N-44000.0012.0013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 13-Joshi-Heath

Board 30
East Deals
None Vul
♠ A
Q J 9 7 5
J 10 8 4 3
♣ 6 4
♠ K Q 9 5
A 6 2
K 9 6
♣ A J 10
♠ 10 6 4
K 8 4
A Q 5 2
♣ K 9 7
♠ J 8 7 3 2
10 3
♣ Q 8 5 3 2

EW 6N; EW 4♠; EW 3; EW 3; EW 3♣; Par −990

3 NT E-210012.000.004-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
3 NT E-15011.001.0012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 11-Callender-Bell
3 NT W34009.502.502-Walker-Floyd vs 6-Choate-Leboy
3 NT E34009.502.508-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 3-Groner-Tran
3 NT W44305.007.001-Bowen-Garner vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
3 NT E44305.007.003-Suty-Gates vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
3 NT E44305.007.006-Polunsky-Smith vs 14-Espey-Espey
3 NT E44305.007.007-Meigs-Meigs vs 1-Miller-Gernentz
4 NT E44305.007.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
3 NT W44305.007.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
3 NT E44305.007.0013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 13-Joshi-Heath
3 NT E54600.5011.505-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
3 NT E54600.5011.5011-Houck-Houck vs 9-Lease-Laird

Board 31
South Deals
N-S Vul
♠ J 7 3 2
Q 9 7 6 5 2
♣ 9 5
♠ 10 9 8 5 4
J 4 3

♣ K Q J 7 3
♠ A K Q
K 5
K J 8 3
♣ A 8 6 2
♠ 6
A Q 10 9 8 7 6
A 10 4
♣ 10 4

EW 4♠; EW 3N; EW 5♣; S 1; NS 1; Par −420

5 ♠ E-420012.000.007-Meigs-Meigs vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
3 S-220011.001.005-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 11-Callender-Bell
3 NT E340010.002.006-Polunsky-Smith vs 13-Joshi-Heath
4 ♠ W44205.007.002-Walker-Floyd vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
4 ♠ E44205.007.003-Suty-Gates vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
4 ♠ E44205.007.004-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 9-Lease-Laird
4 ♠ E44205.007.008-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
4 ♠ W44205.007.0010-Spicer-Jones vs 6-Choate-Leboy
4 ♠ W44205.007.0011-Houck-Houck vs 8-Glandorf-Frick
4 ♠ E44205.007.0012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
4 ♠ E44205.007.0013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
4 ♠ E44205.007.0014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 14-Espey-Espey
4 ♠ E54500.0012.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef

Board 32
West Deals
E-W Vul
♠ K 9 8 7
9 6 5 2
7 2
♣ K 6 5
♠ —
A K 8 3
9 6 4 3
♣ Q 8 7 3 2
♠ Q J 10 5 3
Q 10 7 4
A Q J 8
♣ —
♠ A 6 4 2
K 10 5
♣ A J 10 9 4

EW 3; EW 3; NS 1N; S 2♣; N 1♣; Par −140

4 E-220012.000.0014-Harley-Viaclovsky vs 14-Espey-Espey
3 E-110011.001.002-Walker-Floyd vs 5-Rawitscher-Rawitscher
2 ♣ N29010.002.003-Suty-Gates vs 7-Shortt-Leighton
3 ♣ S-1509.003.0013-Travis Jr-Winfield vs 12-Erickson-St Pierre
3 E31108.004.008-Brown, Jr-Brown vs 2-Johnson-Naughton
2 E31406.505.504-Clipson-Clipson Jr vs 9-Lease-Laird
3 W31406.505.505-Fackenthall-Bradt vs 11-Callender-Bell
4 ♣ x S-23004.507.506-Polunsky-Smith vs 13-Joshi-Heath
4 ♣ x S-23004.507.507-Meigs-Meigs vs 15-Sitton-Sitton
5 ♣ x S-35003.009.009-Stereff-Wieland vs 4-Lobliner-Youssef
4 E46202.0010.0012-Bernstein-Freedman vs 10-Fortier III-Tuggle
4 ♣ x N-48000.5011.5010-Spicer-Jones vs 6-Choate-Leboy
4 ♣ x S-48000.5011.5011-Houck-Houck vs 8-Glandorf-Frick