August 2011 Sizzling Summer Sectional

EVENT>Sunday Stratified Pairs  |SESSION>1 Of 2       |SECTION> K N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>August 14, 2011    |SANCTION>S1108059  | 08/14/2011 18:48|EVENT CODE>14O
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Houston         |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  132.0 |TOP>  11 |MP LIMITS>None/750/300   |CLUB>Sizzling Summer Sectional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=13/B=7/C=6                      ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Helen Hollis           Phyllis Ogden            C    3     1     1    155.50  58.90  1.00(B)     K - 1 - E-W
 2 Phyllis Carter         Sherry Gerdes            A    2     .     .    159.00  60.23  1.34(A)     K - 2 - E-W
 3 William Riley          Nancy Riley              A   4/5    .     .    153.00  57.95  0.53(A)     K - 3 - N-S
 4 Kathleen Malcolmson    Wilma Booth              B    .     3     .    138.50  52.46  0.50(B)     K - 4 - E-W
 5 Geoff Booth            Robert Sandfield         A    1     .     .    165.00  62.50  1.92(A)     K - 5 - N-S
 6 Carol Winograd         Mary Watters             C    .     2     2    144.00  54.55  0.70(B)     K - 6 - N-S
 7 Irene Baker            Joyce Garner             A    .     .     .    120.50  45.64              K - 7 - E-W
 8 Joan Pleason           Terry Currie             A    .     .     .    130.00  49.24              K - 8 - N-S
 9 Doris Blumenthal       Arlene Slomka            A   4/5    .     .    153.00  57.95  0.53(A)     One Session
10 Eugene Goldgar         Debbie Goldgar           C    .     .     .    125.00  47.35              One Session
11 Charles Hathway        Barbara Logan            C    .     .     .     94.00  35.61              One Session
12 Carol Montague         Celia Chipman            C    .     .     .     74.00  28.03              One Session
13 Teresa Labonte         Jo Anne Knodel           C    .     .     .    104.50  39.58              One Session

                                          Totals                        1716.00       

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13
   1>          11     9     2     2    10     4-    4-    2     7-    0     6     7-
         ----   50  -180  -430  -430  -150  -400  -400  -430  -210  -490  -240  -210 

   2>           9-    0    11     1     6-    4     6-    2-    2-    8     9-    5 
         ----  110  -510   150  -200  -100  -130  -100  -140  -140    50   110  -110 

   3>     4           7    10     7    10     4     7     1-    1-    4     0    10 
         110   ----  130   200   130   200   110   130   -50   -50   110   -90   200 

   4>     2           8    10     8     6     0     8    11     4-    2     4-    2 
        -100   ----  140   300   140   110  -200   140   670   -90  -100   -90  -100 

   5>    11     8-          6     8-    3     6    10     6     3     0     3     1 
         200   100   ----   50   100   -90    50   120    50   -90  -200   -90  -150 

   6>     3     9-          7-    7-    1     5-    3     9-    3    11     0     5-
         -50   110   ----  100   100  -100    90   -50   110   -50   200  -110    90 

   7>     3     4      -          8    10     8    11     8     5-     -    5-    2 
         200   230  -100   ----  680  1430   680  1660   680   630  -100   630   -90 

   8>    10     2     8           9    11     2     6     2     6     6     2     2 
         200  -110    50   ----  110   300  -110   -50  -110   -50   -50  -110  -110 

   9>     7-    7-    2-    2-          7-    2-   11    10     2-    2-    7-    2-
        -650  -650  -680  -680   ---- -650  -680  -230  -630  -680  -680  -650  -680 

  10>    10     9     6-    6-         11     6-    2-    6-    2-    0     2-    2-
         790   730  -100  -100   ---- 1100  -100  -200  -100  -200  -300  -200  -200 

  11>     7     1-    3-    8-    3-         10-    8-    5    10-    6     1-    0 
         420  -130  -100   590  -100   ----  650   590   -50   650    50  -130  -400 

  12>     4     4     9     4     4           4    11     9     9     4     4     0 
        -140  -140    50  -140  -140   ---- -140    90    50    50  -140  -140  -170 

  13>     2-   11     6     2-    6     6           6     9     6      -     -   10 
        -200   650  -100  -200  -100  -100   ---- -100   140  -100  -650  -650   620 

  14>     5-    5-    5-    5-    5-    5-          5-    5-    5-    5-    5-    5-
        -480  -480  -480  -480  -480  -480   ---- -480  -480  -480  -480  -480  -480 

  15>     6     3    10-    3    10-    3     3           8     8     8     3     0 
         600  -100   650  -100   650  -100  -100   ----  620   620   620  -100  -200 

  16>     4-    8-    8-   11     3      -     -         10     4-    6-    2     6-
         170   460   460   800   150   -50   -50   ----  490   170   400   130   400 

  17>     9-    9-    9-    6     6     9-    6     1-          1-    0     4     3 
         450   450   450   420   420   450   420   -50   ----  -50  -100   200   150 

  18>     7     7    11     4     7    10     7     1-          7     1-    0     3 
        -170  -170    80  -180  -170    50  -170  -420   ---- -170  -420  -430  -400 

  19>     7     8    11     4-    9-    1     9-    4-    6           2-    2-    0 
         -50   100   500  -150   200  -500   200  -150  -100   ---- -170  -170  -730 

  20>     8-    5-    5-   11    10     5-    1-    1-    1-          1-    5-    8-
        -110  -140  -140   100  -100  -140  -200  -200  -200   ---- -200  -140  -110 

  21>     6-    6-    6-    2-   10-    2-    2-    2-   10-    6-          0     9 
         680   680   680   650  1430   650   650   650  1430   680   ----  620  1400 

  22>     5-    5-    3      -    8      -    8    10     8    11           3     3 
         420   420   200   170   450   170   450   480   450   590   ----  200   200 

  23>    10     5      -    2     5     7-    7-     -    3     5    10          10 
         110  PASS  -200  -140  PASS   100   100  -200   -90  PASS   110   ----  110 

  24>    11     6     6     6    10     1     1     6     6     6     1           6 
          50  -130  -130  -130   -50  -400  -400  -130  -130  -130  -400   ---- -130 

  25>     7-   10     4-    2     7-    7-   11     0     4-    2     7-    2       
         420   450   400   -50   420   420   480  -100   400   -50   420   -50   ----

  26>     3     1-   11    10     8     8     5-    1-    8     4     5-    0       
         -90  -100   620   200   170   170   140  -100   170   100   140  -200   ----

EVENT>Sunday Stratified Pairs  |SESSION>1 Of 2       |SECTION> K E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>August 14, 2011    |SANCTION>S1108059  | 08/14/2011 18:48|EVENT CODE>14O
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Houston         |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  132.0 |TOP>  11 |MP LIMITS>None/750/300   |CLUB>Sizzling Summer Sectional
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=13/B=11/C=7                     ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- -------------- 
 1 Mary Kay Koenig        Janis Koenig             C    5     3     2    143.50  54.36  0.62(B)     K - 1 - N-S
 2 Carolyn Campbell       John Hurwitz             B    .     .     .    113.50  42.99              K - 2 - N-S
 3 Sadhana Dalal          Ralda St Pierre          A   2/3    .     .    150.50  57.01  1.15(A)     K - 3 - E-W
 4 Ron Brown              Judy Brown               B    .     .     .    123.00  46.59              K - 4 - N-S
 5 Sandra Clark           Michael Tannery          A    1     .     .    172.00  65.15  1.92(A)     K - 5 - E-W
 6 Shari Winston          Gary Winston             C    .     4     3    141.00  53.41  0.43(B)     K - 6 - E-W
 7 Errol LeCesne          Joseph Ford              B    .     .     .    118.00  44.70              K - 7 - N-S
 8 Diane Boundy           Shirley Larson           B    4     2     .    145.00  54.92  0.87(B)     K - 8 - E-W
 9 Gary Hercules          Lynne Andres             C    .     .     .    133.00  50.38              One Session
10 Suvabrata Biswas       David Mitchell           C   2/3    1     1    150.50  57.01  1.24(B)     One Session
11 James Morgan           Brenda Metze             C    .     .     .     94.50  35.80              One Session
12 M Angelica Bianchi     Katherine McClure        C    .     .     .    117.50  44.51              One Session
13 Louise Howell          Ann Wales                C    .     .     .    114.00  43.18              One Session

                                          Totals                        1716.00       

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13
   1>     6-          6-    0     9     2     3-    9    11     9     5     1     3-
         400   ----  400   -50   430   180   210   430   490   430   240   150   210 

   2>     7           4-    1-    8-   11     8-    0     3    10     1-    4-    6 
         130   ----  100  -110   140   510   140  -150   -50   200  -110   100   110 

   3>     7     4           9-    4     9-    1     7     4    11     1     1     7 
        -110  -130   ----   50  -130    50  -200  -110  -130    90  -200  -200  -110 

   4>     9     3           0     3     6-    1     9     3     6-    5     9    11 
         100  -140   ---- -670  -140    90  -300   100  -140    90  -110   100   200 

   5>     1     2-    5           8     5    11     2-    8     8    10     5     0 
        -120  -100   -50   ----   90   -50   200  -100    90    90   150   -50  -200 

   6>     8     1-    1-          8     3-    0     3-   11    10     5-    5-    8 
          50  -110  -110   ----   50  -100  -200  -100   110   100   -90   -90    50 

   7>     7     3    10-    5-         10-    3     5-    1     9     3     8     0 
        -230  -680   100  -630   ----  100  -680  -630 -1430    90  -680  -200 -1660 

   8>     9     9     3     5           5     2     9     0     9     9     1     5 
         110   110   -50    50   ----   50  -110   110  -300   110   110  -200    50 

   9>     1     8-    8-    8-    8-          3-    3-    8-    8-    3-    0     3-
         630   680   680   680   680   ----  650   650   680   680   650   230   650 

  10>     4-    4-    8-    4-   11           8-    0     8-    4-    1     8-    2 
         100   100   200   100   300   ----  200 -1100   200   100  -790   200  -730 

  11>     7-     -    2-    5     7-    9-         11      -    4     2-    9-    6 
         100  -650  -590   -50   100   130   ----  400  -650  -420  -590   130    50 

  12>     2     2     7     7     7     7          11     7     7     0     7     2 
         -50   -50   140   140   140   140   ----  170   140   140   -90   140   -50 

  13>     5     8-   10-    5    10-    5     1           8-    5     0     2     5 
         100   200   650   100   650   100  -620   ----  200   100  -650  -140   100 

  14>     5-    5-    5-    5-    5-    5-    5-          5-    5-    5-    5-    5-
         480   480   480   480   480   480   480   ----  480   480   480   480   480 

  15>     8     3      -    8     8    11     8     5           8     3      -    3 
         100  -620  -650   100   100   200   100  -600   ----  100  -620  -650  -620 

  16>     0     4-    8     9    10-    4-   10-    6-          2-    1     2-    6-
        -800  -400  -150  -130    50  -400    50  -170   ---- -460  -490  -460  -170 

  17>    11     5     7     1-    8     5     1-    9-    1-          1-    9-    5 
         100  -420  -200  -450  -150  -420  -450    50  -450   ---- -450    50  -420 

  18>     9-    4    11     1     8     4     4     9-    4           0     4     7 
         420   170   430   -50   400   170   170   420   170   ----  -80   170   180 

  19>     1-    8-   10    11     1-    4     6-    3     5     0           6-    8-
        -200   170   500   730  -200    50   150  -100   100  -500   ----  150   170 

  20>     1     5-    5-    2-    9-    2-    9-    5-    9-    5-          0     9-
         100   140   140   110   200   110   200   140   200   140   ---- -100   200 

  21>    11     8-    2     8-    4-    8-    4-     -    4-    4-    8-           -
        -620  -650 -1400  -650  -680  -650  -680 -1430  -680  -680  -650   -----1430 

  22>     8    10-    8     3     5-    1     5-    3     8     0    10-          3 
        -200  -170  -200  -450  -420  -480  -420  -450  -200  -590  -170   ---- -450 

  23>     3-    1     3-    1    10-    6     8    10-    6     9     1     6       
        -100  -110  -100  -110   200  PASS    90   200  PASS   140  -110  PASS   ----

  24>    10     5    10     0     5     5     5     5     5     5    10     1       
         400   130   400   -50   130   130   130   130   130   130   400    50   ----

  25>           0     3-   11     1     6-    6-    9     9     3-    3-    9     3-
         ---- -480  -420   100  -450  -400  -400    50    50  -420  -420    50  -420 

  26>           5-    8     9-    9-    3     0     7     1     5-    3    11     3 
         ---- -140    90   100   100  -170  -620  -100  -200  -140  -170   200  -170 
Sunday Stratified Pairs, 1 Of 2, August 14, 2011

Board 1
North Deals
None Vul
♠ Q J 3
J 10 6 5
♣ 9 8 6 3 2
♠ 9 7 4 2
Q 3 2
J 8 7 5 3
♣ 4
♠ A K
A K 8 4
K 10 9
♣ A Q 10 7
♠ 10 8 6 5
9 7
A 6 4 2
♣ K J 5

EW 5; EW 4N; EW 5; EW 3♠; EW 1♣

5011.000.002-Carter-Gerdes vs 4-Brown-Brown
3 NT E15010.001.006-Winograd-Watters vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
1809.002.003-Riley-Riley vs 6-Winston-Winston
3 NT E2107.503.5010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
6 NT E2107.503.5013-Labonte-Knodel vs 13-Howell-Wales
3 NT E2406.005.0012-Montague-Chipman vs 11-Morgan-Metze
3 NT E4004.506.507-Baker-Garner vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
3 NT E4004.506.508-Pleason-Currie vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
4302.009.004-Malcolmson-Booth vs 8-Boundy-Larson
4302.009.005-Booth-Sandfield vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
6 NT W4302.009.009-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 5-Clark-Tannery
3 NT E4900.0011.0011-Hathway-Logan vs 9-Hercules-Andres

Board 2
East Deals
N-S Vul
♠ 8 6
J 9 6 4 3
K 6 5 3
♣ A 4
♠ K Q 3
K 10 8 7 5
♣ Q J 8 7
♠ J 9 7 5 4

Q J 10
♣ K 10 9 6 3
♠ A 10 2
A Q 2
A 8 7 4 2
♣ 5 2

EW 3♠; NS 2; NS 3; EW 3♣; NS 1N

15011.000.004-Malcolmson-Booth vs 8-Boundy-Larson
1109.501.502-Carter-Gerdes vs 4-Brown-Brown
2 ♠ E1109.501.5012-Montague-Chipman vs 11-Morgan-Metze
2 S508.003.0011-Hathway-Logan vs 9-Hercules-Andres
2 E1006.504.506-Winograd-Watters vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
2 ♠ E1006.504.508-Pleason-Currie vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
2 S1105.006.0013-Labonte-Knodel vs 13-Howell-Wales
4 S1304.007.007-Baker-Garner vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
4 N1402.508.509-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 5-Clark-Tannery
2 ♠ E1402.508.5010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
2001.0010.005-Booth-Sandfield vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
5100.0011.003-Riley-Riley vs 6-Winston-Winston

Board 3
South Deals
E-W Vul
♠ K J 10 2
A 10 7 2
K 8 2
♣ 10 3
♠ A Q 3
K Q J 9 3
10 7 5
♣ J 9
♠ 9 8 7 5 4
8 5
6 4
♣ A Q 6 5
♠ 6
6 4
A Q J 9 3
♣ K 8 7 4 2

NS 2N; NS 3; NS 2♣; NS 1

20010.001.004-Malcolmson-Booth vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
20010.001.006-Winograd-Watters vs 11-Morgan-Metze
4 ♠ W20010.001.0013-Labonte-Knodel vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
1307.004.003-Riley-Riley vs 5-Clark-Tannery
1307.004.005-Booth-Sandfield vs 9-Hercules-Andres
4 E1307.004.008-Pleason-Currie vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
1104.007.001-Hollis-Ogden vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
4 ♠ W1104.007.007-Baker-Garner vs 13-Howell-Wales
3 E1104.007.0011-Hathway-Logan vs 8-Boundy-Larson
3 NT E501.509.509-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 4-Brown-Brown
6 NT x E501.509.5010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 6-Winston-Winston
6 NT W900.0011.0012-Montague-Chipman vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell

Board 4
West Deals
Both Vul
♠ Q 8 3 2
A Q 10 6
♣ 9 8 5
♠ K J 9
8 7 3
9 8 5 4 3
♣ 6 2
♠ 7
A J 6 2
K 7 2
♣ A Q J 7 3
♠ A 10 6 5 4
10 9 5 4
♣ K 10 4

NS 3♠; EW 1

4 NT W67011.000.009-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 4-Brown-Brown
30010.001.004-Malcolmson-Booth vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
1408.003.003-Riley-Riley vs 5-Clark-Tannery
1408.003.005-Booth-Sandfield vs 9-Hercules-Andres
4 ♠ W1408.003.008-Pleason-Currie vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
1106.005.006-Winograd-Watters vs 11-Morgan-Metze
3 NT E904.506.5010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 6-Winston-Winston
3 NT E904.506.5012-Montague-Chipman vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
1002.009.001-Hollis-Ogden vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
5 W1002.009.0011-Hathway-Logan vs 8-Boundy-Larson
4 ♠ W1002.009.0013-Labonte-Knodel vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
4 ♠ W2000.0011.007-Baker-Garner vs 13-Howell-Wales

Board 5
North Deals
N-S Vul
♠ 10 6 3
K 10 2
Q J 9
♣ A J 10 4
♠ A K 8 7
J 9 6 4
A K 3
♣ 8 6
♠ J 5 4
Q 5 3
5 4
♣ Q 7 5 3 2
♠ Q 9 2
A 8 7
10 8 7 6 2
♣ K 9

NS 2N; NS 2; EW 1♠; EW 1; NS 1♣

4 N20011.000.001-Hollis-Ogden vs 13-Howell-Wales
4 N12010.001.008-Pleason-Currie vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
1008.502.502-Carter-Gerdes vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
1008.502.505-Booth-Sandfield vs 8-Boundy-Larson
506.005.004-Malcolmson-Booth vs 6-Winston-Winston
506.005.007-Baker-Garner vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
4 N506.005.009-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
903.008.006-Winograd-Watters vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
4 N903.008.0010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 5-Clark-Tannery
4 N903.008.0012-Montague-Chipman vs 9-Hercules-Andres
4 N1501.0010.0013-Labonte-Knodel vs 11-Morgan-Metze
4 N2000.0011.0011-Hathway-Logan vs 7-LeCesne-Ford

Board 6
East Deals
E-W Vul
♠ J 8
Q J 5
K 9 8 6
♣ Q 10 7 2
♠ A 10 9 6 3
K 4
4 2
♣ K 9 6 3
♠ K 5 2
9 8 7 6 2
A 10
♣ J 8 4
♠ Q 7 4
A 10 3
Q J 7 5 3
♣ A 5

EW 2♠; NS 1N; S 2; EW 1; N 1; EW 1♣

4 ♠ E20011.000.0011-Hathway-Logan vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
1109.501.502-Carter-Gerdes vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
5 ♠ E1109.501.509-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
1007.503.504-Malcolmson-Booth vs 6-Winston-Winston
1007.503.505-Booth-Sandfield vs 8-Boundy-Larson
905.505.507-Baker-Garner vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
4 ♠ E905.505.5013-Labonte-Knodel vs 11-Morgan-Metze
4 ♠ E503.008.001-Hollis-Ogden vs 13-Howell-Wales
4 ♠ E503.008.008-Pleason-Currie vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
5 ♠ E503.008.0010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 5-Clark-Tannery
1001.0010.006-Winograd-Watters vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
4 ♠ E1100.0011.0012-Montague-Chipman vs 9-Hercules-Andres

Board 7
South Deals
Both Vul
♠ 5
A J 8 6 4 2
K 6
♣ J 8 5 4
♠ 9 8 7
10 9 5
9 8 7 4
♣ Q 3 2
♠ J 2
K Q 3
Q 10 2
♣ A K 10 7 6
♠ A K Q 10 6 4 3
A J 5 3
♣ 9

NS 5♠; NS 3; NS 2N; NS 2; N 1♣

166011.000.008-Pleason-Currie vs 13-Howell-Wales
143010.001.006-Winograd-Watters vs 9-Hercules-Andres
6808.003.005-Booth-Sandfield vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
6808.003.007-Baker-Garner vs 11-Morgan-Metze
3 NT W6808.003.009-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
2 ♠ E6305.505.5010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 4-Brown-Brown
2 NT W6305.505.5012-Montague-Chipman vs 8-Boundy-Larson
4 ♠ E2304.007.002-Carter-Gerdes vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
3 NT W2003.008.001-Hollis-Ogden vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
3 NT W902.009.0013-Labonte-Knodel vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
1000.5010.503-Riley-Riley vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
3 NT E1000.5010.5011-Hathway-Logan vs 6-Winston-Winston

Board 8
West Deals
None Vul
♠ A K J
6 5 4 2
K J 10 8 6
♣ 4
♠ 10 9 5
A 9 8 3

♣ Q 8 7 6 5 3
♠ Q 7 6 3
K Q 10
A 9 5 2
♣ A 2
♠ 8 4 2
J 7
Q 7 4 3
♣ K J 10 9

EW 2♠; EW 2; EW 3♣; EW 1N; NS 2

30011.000.006-Winograd-Watters vs 9-Hercules-Andres
4 E20010.001.001-Hollis-Ogden vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
1109.002.005-Booth-Sandfield vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
508.003.003-Riley-Riley vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
506.005.008-Pleason-Currie vs 13-Howell-Wales
4 E506.005.0010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 4-Brown-Brown
3 NT E506.005.0011-Hathway-Logan vs 6-Winston-Winston
4 E1102.009.002-Carter-Gerdes vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
1102.009.007-Baker-Garner vs 11-Morgan-Metze
4 E1102.009.009-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
3 E1102.009.0012-Montague-Chipman vs 8-Boundy-Larson
4 E1102.009.0013-Labonte-Knodel vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell

Board 9
North Deals
E-W Vul
♠ 8 7 3
8 5
Q 4 3
♣ K Q J 10 6
♠ K Q J 10 9 4 2
A 5
♣ A 8 4
♠ 6 5
A K Q 10 6 4 3
9 8 6
♣ 9
♠ A
J 9 2
K J 10 7 2
♣ 7 5 3 2

EW 5♠; EW 5; EW 3N; NS 2♣; NS 1

23011.000.008-Pleason-Currie vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
63010.001.009-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
6 NT N6507.503.501-Hollis-Ogden vs 11-Morgan-Metze
3 NT S6507.503.502-Carter-Gerdes vs 13-Howell-Wales
6507.503.506-Winograd-Watters vs 8-Boundy-Larson
6 NT S6507.503.5012-Montague-Chipman vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
3 NT S6802.508.503-Riley-Riley vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
6802.508.504-Malcolmson-Booth vs 4-Brown-Brown
6802.508.507-Baker-Garner vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
3 NT S6802.508.5010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
6 ♣ S6802.508.5011-Hathway-Logan vs 5-Clark-Tannery
4 ♠ N6802.508.5013-Labonte-Knodel vs 9-Hercules-Andres

Board 10
East Deals
Both Vul
♠ K 8 5
A 8 7 4
A Q 10
♣ 10 5 3
♠ J 4
Q 10 9 2
K 9 7 6 3
♣ 6 2
♠ Q 9 7 2

J 8 5 4
♣ A Q J 7 4
♠ A 10 6 3
K J 6 5 3
♣ K 9 8

S 4; N 3; NS 2N; NS 2♠; EW 1; NS 1♣

110011.000.006-Winograd-Watters vs 8-Boundy-Larson
4 N79010.001.001-Hollis-Ogden vs 11-Morgan-Metze
6 N7309.002.002-Carter-Gerdes vs 13-Howell-Wales
3 S1006.504.503-Riley-Riley vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
1006.504.504-Malcolmson-Booth vs 4-Brown-Brown
1006.504.507-Baker-Garner vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
1006.504.509-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
2002.508.508-Pleason-Currie vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
3 N2002.508.5010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
4 S2002.508.5012-Montague-Chipman vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
4 N2002.508.5013-Labonte-Knodel vs 9-Hercules-Andres
3 S3000.0011.0011-Hathway-Logan vs 5-Clark-Tannery

Board 11
South Deals
None Vul
♠ K Q 8 6 3 2
A 9 7 5 2
♣ 3
♠ 5
K 10 6 3
K Q J 8 6
♣ Q 7 5
♠ 10 4
A Q 5
10 4
♣ A K J 9 8 6
♠ A J 9 7
J 9 7 4 2
♣ 10 4 2

NS 3♠; EW 3; EW 4♣; EW 2

65010.500.507-Baker-Garner vs 9-Hercules-Andres
65010.500.5010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
3 NT S5908.502.504-Malcolmson-Booth vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
5908.502.508-Pleason-Currie vs 11-Morgan-Metze
4 ♠ N4207.004.001-Hollis-Ogden vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
3 NT S506.005.0011-Hathway-Logan vs 4-Brown-Brown
505.006.009-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 13-Howell-Wales
3 NT S1003.507.503-Riley-Riley vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
1003.507.505-Booth-Sandfield vs 5-Clark-Tannery
3 NT N1301.509.502-Carter-Gerdes vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
3 NT S1301.509.5012-Montague-Chipman vs 6-Winston-Winston
3 NT S4000.0011.0013-Labonte-Knodel vs 8-Boundy-Larson

Board 12
West Deals
N-S Vul
♠ K 3 2
K Q 2
10 9 7 4 3
♣ J 6
♠ J 10 6 4
10 8 6
A Q 2
♣ K 8 5
♠ A Q 9 8 7
J 7 5
K 6 5
♣ 9 2
♠ 5
A 9 4 3
J 8
♣ A Q 10 7 4 3

EW 3♠; EW 2N; NS 2; NS 3♣; EW 1

9011.000.008-Pleason-Currie vs 11-Morgan-Metze
5 S509.002.003-Riley-Riley vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
509.002.009-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 13-Howell-Wales
509.002.0010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
5 S1404.007.001-Hollis-Ogden vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
3 NT N1404.007.002-Carter-Gerdes vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
5 S1404.007.004-Malcolmson-Booth vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
1404.007.005-Booth-Sandfield vs 5-Clark-Tannery
1404.007.007-Baker-Garner vs 9-Hercules-Andres
3 S1404.007.0011-Hathway-Logan vs 4-Brown-Brown
7 S1404.007.0012-Montague-Chipman vs 6-Winston-Winston
3 S1700.0011.0013-Labonte-Knodel vs 8-Boundy-Larson

Board 13
North Deals
Both Vul
♠ K Q 10 8 4
A 9 8 5
♣ 10 5 4
♠ 9 6 3
J 7 5
Q 6 4 3
♣ A J 9
♠ —
A 9 6 4 3 2
K 7
♣ K 8 7 6 3
♠ A J 7 5 2
K 10 8
J 10 2
♣ Q 2

EW 5; NS 3♠; EW 4♣; NS 1

3 W65011.000.002-Carter-Gerdes vs 11-Morgan-Metze
4 N62010.001.0013-Labonte-Knodel vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
1409.002.009-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
3 N1006.005.003-Riley-Riley vs 13-Howell-Wales
3 W1006.005.005-Booth-Sandfield vs 4-Brown-Brown
1006.005.006-Winograd-Watters vs 6-Winston-Winston
1006.005.008-Pleason-Currie vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
1006.005.0010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
2 N2002.508.501-Hollis-Ogden vs 9-Hercules-Andres
2 N2002.508.504-Malcolmson-Booth vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
6500.5010.5011-Hathway-Logan vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
3 N6500.5010.5012-Montague-Chipman vs 5-Clark-Tannery

Board 14
East Deals
None Vul
♠ 7 2
K J 8 7 5 3 2
5 2
♣ 8 5
♠ A J 10 6 3
10 6
A K Q 9
♣ K 4
♠ K Q 9 8 5
10 8 6 4
♣ A 9 3
♠ 4
A Q 4
J 7 3
♣ Q J 10 7 6 2

EW 6♠; EW 6; NS 2; EW 1♣

4 S4805.505.501-Hollis-Ogden vs 9-Hercules-Andres
5 S4805.505.502-Carter-Gerdes vs 11-Morgan-Metze
4 ♠ W4805.505.503-Riley-Riley vs 13-Howell-Wales
4 S4805.505.504-Malcolmson-Booth vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
3 W4805.505.505-Booth-Sandfield vs 4-Brown-Brown
4805.505.506-Winograd-Watters vs 6-Winston-Winston
4805.505.508-Pleason-Currie vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
4805.505.509-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
4805.505.5010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
4805.505.5011-Hathway-Logan vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
4 S4805.505.5012-Montague-Chipman vs 5-Clark-Tannery
4 S4805.505.5013-Labonte-Knodel vs 7-LeCesne-Ford

Board 15
South Deals
N-S Vul
♠ A Q J 6 4
9 7 3 2
J 9
♣ 7 2
♠ 9 5 3 2
K Q 8
10 4 3 2
♣ Q 9
♠ 8
A 10 6 4
Q 8 6 5
♣ J 10 6 5
♠ K 10 7
J 5
A K 7
♣ A K 8 4 3

NS 4♠; NS 3N; NS 2; NS 3♣; NS 1

3 NT N65010.500.503-Riley-Riley vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
3 NT S65010.500.505-Booth-Sandfield vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
6208.003.009-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 11-Morgan-Metze
6208.003.0010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 13-Howell-Wales
6208.003.0011-Hathway-Logan vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
3 NT N6006.005.001-Hollis-Ogden vs 8-Boundy-Larson
4 S1003.008.002-Carter-Gerdes vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
3 NT S1003.008.004-Malcolmson-Booth vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
4 S1003.008.006-Winograd-Watters vs 5-Clark-Tannery
1003.008.007-Baker-Garner vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
1003.008.0012-Montague-Chipman vs 4-Brown-Brown
3 NT N2000.0011.0013-Labonte-Knodel vs 6-Winston-Winston

Board 16
West Deals
E-W Vul
♠ 4
J 6 4 3
A K Q 8 6 3 2
♣ 4
♠ Q J 7 5 3
10 7
7 5
♣ K Q 8 7
♠ 9 2
A 9 8 5 2
J 9
♣ A 6 5 2
♠ A K 10 8 6
10 4
♣ J 10 9 3

NS 3N; NS 5; NS 2; S 1♠; EW 1♣

3 NT E80011.000.004-Malcolmson-Booth vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
49010.001.009-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 11-Morgan-Metze
5 W4608.502.502-Carter-Gerdes vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
3 NT E4608.502.503-Riley-Riley vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
4006.504.5011-Hathway-Logan vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
3 NT E4006.504.5013-Labonte-Knodel vs 6-Winston-Winston
3 NT E1704.506.501-Hollis-Ogden vs 8-Boundy-Larson
1704.506.5010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 13-Howell-Wales
3 ♠ W1503.008.005-Booth-Sandfield vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
1302.009.0012-Montague-Chipman vs 4-Brown-Brown
3 NT E500.5010.506-Winograd-Watters vs 5-Clark-Tannery
500.5010.507-Baker-Garner vs 7-LeCesne-Ford

Board 17
North Deals
None Vul
♠ A K Q 9
K Q J 8 5 3
♣ 9 4
♠ 8 3
A 7
Q J 10 8 5
♣ K 10 6 3
♠ 7 6 4
9 4 2
7 6
♣ A Q 8 7 2
♠ J 10 5 2
10 6
A K 9 4 3
♣ J 5

NS 4♠; NS 4; NS 1N; EW 2♣; NS 1

2 NT S4509.501.501-Hollis-Ogden vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
2 N4509.501.502-Carter-Gerdes vs 9-Hercules-Andres
3 NT S4509.501.503-Riley-Riley vs 11-Morgan-Metze
2 NT S4509.501.506-Winograd-Watters vs 4-Brown-Brown
3 NT S4206.005.004-Malcolmson-Booth vs 13-Howell-Wales
1 NT S4206.005.005-Booth-Sandfield vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
2 NT S4206.005.007-Baker-Garner vs 6-Winston-Winston
2004.007.0012-Montague-Chipman vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
1503.008.0013-Labonte-Knodel vs 5-Clark-Tannery
501.509.508-Pleason-Currie vs 8-Boundy-Larson
501.509.5010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
1000.0011.0011-Hathway-Logan vs 1-Koenig-Koenig

Board 18
East Deals
N-S Vul
♠ A 10 5 2
A 4
J 7 6 2
♣ K J 7
♠ 4 3
10 5 3
A K Q 10 9
♣ A 10 6
♠ K Q J 6
Q J 9 8 2
5 3
♣ Q 9
♠ 9 8 7
K 7 6
8 4
♣ 8 5 4 3 2

W 3N; EW 3; EW 2♠; E 1N; EW 2

3 NT S8011.000.003-Riley-Riley vs 11-Morgan-Metze
3 NT N5010.001.006-Winograd-Watters vs 4-Brown-Brown
3 NT S1707.004.001-Hollis-Ogden vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
5 S1707.004.002-Carter-Gerdes vs 9-Hercules-Andres
3 NT S1707.004.005-Booth-Sandfield vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
5 S1707.004.007-Baker-Garner vs 6-Winston-Winston
1707.004.0010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
3 NT S1804.007.004-Malcolmson-Booth vs 13-Howell-Wales
4003.008.0013-Labonte-Knodel vs 5-Clark-Tannery
4201.509.508-Pleason-Currie vs 8-Boundy-Larson
4201.509.5011-Hathway-Logan vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
4300.0011.0012-Montague-Chipman vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre

Board 19
South Deals
E-W Vul
♠ Q 9 6 5 2
9 7 5 2
♣ 8 7 3
♠ A K 10 8 3
8 3
A J 10 8
♣ A 9
♠ J 4
Q 10 6 4
6 4
♣ Q J 10 5 4
♠ 7
A K J 9 7 5
K Q 3
♣ K 6 2

E 2N; EW 2♠; W 1N; EW 2♣; E 1

3 W50011.000.003-Riley-Riley vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
2 W2009.501.505-Booth-Sandfield vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
3 NT E2009.501.507-Baker-Garner vs 5-Clark-Tannery
3 NT W1008.003.002-Carter-Gerdes vs 8-Boundy-Larson
4 W507.004.001-Hollis-Ogden vs 6-Winston-Winston
1006.005.009-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 9-Hercules-Andres
6 NT E1504.506.504-Malcolmson-Booth vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
3 NT E1504.506.508-Pleason-Currie vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
1702.508.5011-Hathway-Logan vs 13-Howell-Wales
1702.508.5012-Montague-Chipman vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
5 W5001.0010.006-Winograd-Watters vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
7300.0011.0013-Labonte-Knodel vs 4-Brown-Brown

Board 20
West Deals
Both Vul
♠ A J 7 3
A 7 4 3
♣ 9 8 5 3
♠ Q 2
A J 8 7 5 3
♣ K 10 4 2
♠ 10 9 8 6
K 9 2
J 10 9 6 2
♣ 7
♠ K 5 4
10 6 4
Q 8 5
♣ A Q J 6

NS 2♠; EW 2; S 3; NS 3♣; EW 1N; N 2

4 S10011.000.004-Malcolmson-Booth vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
4 S10010.001.005-Booth-Sandfield vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
3 NT N1108.502.501-Hollis-Ogden vs 6-Winston-Winston
1108.502.5013-Labonte-Knodel vs 4-Brown-Brown
3 NT N1405.505.502-Carter-Gerdes vs 8-Boundy-Larson
3 NT S1405.505.503-Riley-Riley vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
3 NT S1405.505.506-Winograd-Watters vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
1405.505.5012-Montague-Chipman vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
3 NT N2001.509.507-Baker-Garner vs 5-Clark-Tannery
3 NT N2001.509.508-Pleason-Currie vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
2001.509.509-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 9-Hercules-Andres
2001.509.5011-Hathway-Logan vs 13-Howell-Wales

Board 21
North Deals
N-S Vul
♠ A Q 8 7 6
A Q J 10 7 4
J 2
♣ —
♠ K 9 5 4 2
A 8 6
♣ 8 5 3 2
♠ J 3
8 3
9 7 5 4 3
♣ A Q 9 7
♠ 10
K 6 5 2
K Q 10
♣ K J 10 6 4

NS 6; NS 4N; NS 2♠; NS 2; NS 2♣

3 NT W143010.500.505-Booth-Sandfield vs 13-Howell-Wales
2 E143010.500.509-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 8-Boundy-Larson
14009.002.0013-Labonte-Knodel vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
4 E6806.504.501-Hollis-Ogden vs 5-Clark-Tannery
3 NT E6806.504.502-Carter-Gerdes vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
3 NT W6806.504.503-Riley-Riley vs 9-Hercules-Andres
6806.504.5010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
3 NT E6502.508.504-Malcolmson-Booth vs 11-Morgan-Metze
3 NT E6502.508.506-Winograd-Watters vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
4 ♠ W6502.508.507-Baker-Garner vs 4-Brown-Brown
4 ♠ W6502.508.508-Pleason-Currie vs 6-Winston-Winston
6200.0011.0012-Montague-Chipman vs 1-Koenig-Koenig

Board 22
East Deals
E-W Vul
♠ 8 5
7 2
A 8 6 4
♣ J 10 9 8 6
♠ 10 7
Q J 10
K 10 9 7 2
♣ K 5 4
♠ K 9
K 9 8 6 5 3
Q J 5 3
♣ 3
♠ A Q J 6 4 3 2
A 4

♣ A Q 7 2

NS 4♠; NS 5♣; E 3; W 2; NS 1N; E 2; W 1

59011.000.0010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
3 NT N48010.001.008-Pleason-Currie vs 6-Winston-Winston
3 NT N4508.003.005-Booth-Sandfield vs 13-Howell-Wales
3 NT N4508.003.007-Baker-Garner vs 4-Brown-Brown
3 NT N4508.003.009-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 8-Boundy-Larson
3 NT N4205.505.501-Hollis-Ogden vs 5-Clark-Tannery
3 N4205.505.502-Carter-Gerdes vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
3 NT N2003.008.003-Riley-Riley vs 9-Hercules-Andres
2003.008.0012-Montague-Chipman vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
2003.008.0013-Labonte-Knodel vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
3 NT N1700.5010.504-Malcolmson-Booth vs 11-Morgan-Metze
3 NT N1700.5010.506-Winograd-Watters vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz

Board 23
South Deals
Both Vul
♠ 9 7
10 4
A K 10 8 4
♣ Q 10 5 3
♠ 10 5 4
A Q 8 2
♣ A 9 8 7 2
♠ Q 8 6 3 2
K 9 7 3
J 3
♣ K J
♠ A K J
J 6 5
Q 9 7 5 2
♣ 6 4

EW 3; EW 2♠; NS 3; EW 2♣

4 W11010.001.001-Hollis-Ogden vs 4-Brown-Brown
11010.001.0011-Hathway-Logan vs 11-Morgan-Metze
11010.001.0013-Labonte-Knodel vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
4 S1007.503.506-Winograd-Watters vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
3 NT N1007.503.507-Baker-Garner vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
3 ♠ NPass5.006.002-Carter-Gerdes vs 6-Winston-Winston
3 SPass5.006.005-Booth-Sandfield vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
2 ♠ NPass5.006.0010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 9-Hercules-Andres
4 W903.008.009-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
4 W1402.009.004-Malcolmson-Booth vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
4 W2000.5010.503-Riley-Riley vs 8-Boundy-Larson
3 W2000.5010.508-Pleason-Currie vs 5-Clark-Tannery

Board 24
West Deals
None Vul
♠ Q 6
10 9 7 6 5 3
9 8
♣ K 8 6
♠ 9 8
K 2
A 10 7 6 5 4 2
♣ Q 5
♠ A K 5 4
Q 8 4
♣ J 7 4 2
♠ J 10 7 3 2
K 3
♣ A 10 9 3

EW 3N; EW 4; NS 1♠; NS 1; EW 1♣

3 NT S5011.000.001-Hollis-Ogden vs 4-Brown-Brown
3 N5010.001.005-Booth-Sandfield vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
2 ♣ N1306.005.002-Carter-Gerdes vs 6-Winston-Winston
3 NT S1306.005.003-Riley-Riley vs 8-Boundy-Larson
3 NT S1306.005.004-Malcolmson-Booth vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
4 N1306.005.008-Pleason-Currie vs 5-Clark-Tannery
4 ♣ N1306.005.009-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
3 ♣ N1306.005.0010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 9-Hercules-Andres
1306.005.0013-Labonte-Knodel vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
3 NT S4001.0010.006-Winograd-Watters vs 1-Koenig-Koenig
3 NT S4001.0010.007-Baker-Garner vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
4001.0010.0011-Hathway-Logan vs 11-Morgan-Metze

Board 25
North Deals
E-W Vul
♠ K 10 9 8 7 6
Q 3
10 3
♣ 9 7 2
♠ Q 5 3 2
J 9 7 6
♣ 8 6 5 4
♠ 4
8 7 6 5 4 2
Q 5
♣ A K J 3
♠ A J
A K J 10
A K 8 4 2
♣ Q 10

NS 4♠; NS 3N; NS 2; NS 3; EW 1♣

3 NT N48011.000.007-Baker-Garner vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
3 NT S45010.001.002-Carter-Gerdes vs 5-Clark-Tannery
3 NT S4207.503.501-Hollis-Ogden vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
2 ♠ N4207.503.505-Booth-Sandfield vs 11-Morgan-Metze
3 ♠ N4207.503.506-Winograd-Watters vs 13-Howell-Wales
2 ♠ N4207.503.5011-Hathway-Logan vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
2 ♠ N4004.506.503-Riley-Riley vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
2 NT S4004.506.509-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 6-Winston-Winston
3 NT S502.009.004-Malcolmson-Booth vs 9-Hercules-Andres
2 NT S502.009.0010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 8-Boundy-Larson
502.009.0012-Montague-Chipman vs 12-Bianchi-McClure
3 E1000.0011.008-Pleason-Currie vs 4-Brown-Brown

Board 26
East Deals
Both Vul
♠ A 10 6
A Q 9 2
9 5
♣ A J 9 2
♠ K 4
7 4 3
A J 10 4
♣ 10 8 6 5
♠ 8 3
K J 6
K Q 7 6 2
♣ K 4 3
♠ Q J 9 7 5 2
10 8 5
8 3
♣ Q 7

NS 3♠; NS 2; EW 2; N 1♣

3 NT S62011.000.003-Riley-Riley vs 7-LeCesne-Ford
3 NT S20010.001.004-Malcolmson-Booth vs 9-Hercules-Andres
3 S1708.003.005-Booth-Sandfield vs 11-Morgan-Metze
3 NT S1708.003.006-Winograd-Watters vs 13-Howell-Wales
3 NT S1708.003.009-Blumenthal-Slomka vs 6-Winston-Winston
3 NT S1405.505.507-Baker-Garner vs 2-Campbell-Hurwitz
3 NT S1405.505.5011-Hathway-Logan vs 10-Biswas-Mitchell
3 NT S1004.007.0010-Goldgar-Goldgar vs 8-Boundy-Larson
3 NT S903.008.001-Hollis-Ogden vs 3-Dalal-St Pierre
3 NT S1001.509.502-Carter-Gerdes vs 5-Clark-Tannery
3 N1001.509.508-Pleason-Currie vs 4-Brown-Brown
2000.0011.0012-Montague-Chipman vs 12-Bianchi-McClure