Bridge Academy of West Houston

EVENT>Invitational Pairs       |SESSION>Wednesday Mor|SECTION> A N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>November 8, 2023   |SANCTION>ST2311504 | 11/08/2023 13:54|EVENT CODE>07IP
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Jennifer Breihan|RATING>STAC, CLUB>277939            |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  132.0 |TOP>  11 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |CLUB>Bridge Academy Of West Ho
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=13/B=10/C=4                     ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Laura Jones            Ann McDougal             A    .     .     .    134.00  50.76
 2 Carol Jewett           Sharon Arnold            B    3     2     .    140.00  53.03  0.87(A)
 3 Elizabeth Bradley      Kathy Hughes             B    .     .     .    131.50  49.81
 4 Brenda Solovitz        Sally Sekac              A    1     .     .    170.50  64.58  1.73(A)
 5 Julie Connor           Charles Dalton           B    .     .     .    105.50  39.96
 6 Thomas O'Donnell       Kelly Harp               C    .     .     .    131.50  49.81
 7 Lorita Tipton          Edna Earle Mattei        B    4     3     .    136.50  51.70  0.61(A)
 8 Beverley Linskey       Betty Westbrook          B    2     1     .    157.50  59.66  1.21(A)
 9 Veronica Hines         Ann Fleming              C    .     .     .     91.00  34.47
10 Audley Karrasch        Jabeen Farooki           A    .     .     .    121.50  46.02
11 Bobbie Newman          Lee Ned                  B    .     .     .    129.00  48.86
12 Mary Hartman           Lesley Kellet            C    5     4     1    134.50  50.95  0.55(C)
13 John Herzer            Joe Edwards              C    .     .     2    133.00  50.38  0.39(C)

                                          Totals                        1716.00

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13
   1>     9-          4-    4-    4-    9-    4-    4-     -    9-    4-    9-     -
         -50   ---- -100  -100  -100   -50  -100  -100  -150   -50  -100   -50  -150

   2>     9           9     9     5-    1-    9     1-    0     5-    9     3-    3-
         630   ----  630   630   600   150   630   150    50   600   630   180   180

   3>     3     8          10     3     5-    3     8     5-    1    11     8     0
         110   140   ----  150   110   130   110   140   130   100   300   140   -50

   4>     5-    1          11     3     5-    9     5-   10     8     1     1     5-
         100  -140   ----  500  -110   100   130   100   200   110  -140  -140   100

   5>     8-     -   11           8-    3-     -    3-    8-    3-    6     3-    8-
          50  -430   100   ----   50  -400  -430  -400    50  -400  -120  -400    50

   6>    10     3     6           6     6    10     4     0     1-   10     8     1-
         200  -110   100   ----  100   100   200   -50  -140  -120   200   110  -120

   7>     5-    5-    0    11           5-    5-    5-    5-    5-    5-    5-    5-
         620   620  -100   650   ----  620   620   620   620   620   620   620   620

   8>     2     5-    5-    5-          2     5-   11     8-   10     8-    2     0
        -420    50    50    50   ---- -420    50   400   100   150   100  -420  -430

   9>     8-   10     1-    8-    6           0     6     1-    3-    3-    6    11
         130   180   -50   130   120   ---- -150   120   -50   110   110   120   400

  10>     1-   10     5     1-    1-         10     7     4     7     1-   10     7
        -620   100  -170  -620  -620   ----  100  -140  -200  -140  -620   100  -140

  11>    10-    7-    2     5-    2     2          10-    5-    2     2     7-    9
         450   -50  -400  -150  -400  -400   ----  450  -150  -400  -400   -50    50

  12>     4     4     0     9     4     9           4     4     4     9     4    11
        -110  -110  -400    50  -110    50   ---- -110  -110  -110    50  -110   100

  13>     9     9     9     1     6     4     9           4     9     1     1     4
         650   650   650   170   620   200   650   ----  200   650   170   170   200

  14>     5     8-    7     2-   11    10     1           0     5     5     8-    2-
         -50   150   140  -100   500   420  -300   ---- -400   -50   -50   150  -100

  15>     3-    8-    1     6     0     3-    3-   11          10     3-    7     8-
        -420  -170  -450  -300  -690  -420  -420   140   ---- -100  -420  -200  -170

  16>     1    10     0    10     5    10     5     5           5     5     5     5
         170   430   110   430   400   430   400   400   ----  400   400   400   400

  17>     9-    2-    5-    7     0     9-    9-    2-    2-          5-    2-    9-
         150   -50    90   110  -100   150   150   -50   -50   ----   90   -50   150

  18>     1-    4-    9-    0     6-    6-    9-    9-    9-          3     1-    4-
        -110    50   130  -140   100   100   130   130   130   ---- -100  -110    50

  19>     6-    2     6-   10-    6-    6-   10-    2     6-    2           6-    0
         450   -50   450   480   450   450   480   -50   450   -50   ----  450  -100

  20>     3     1     0     8     8     8     8     8     3     3           8     8
         170   100  -100   620   620   620   620   620   170   170   ----  620   620

  21>     1     4-   10    11     1     4-    4-    8-    7     8-    1           4-
        -200  -100   100   110  -200  -100  -100    90  PASS    90  -200   ---- -100

  22>     4    11     7-    9-    1-    7-    4     4     0     1-    9-          6
        -100   200    90   100  -110    90  -100  -100  -140  -110   100   ----  -50

  23>     3     3     7    10-    0     1     7     7     3     7    10-    7
         170   170   620   650  -100   140   620   620   170   620   650   620   ----

  24>     9-    9-    4     6     6     6     1-    9-    0     3     1-    9-
         520   520   480   490   490   490   430   520   420   460   430   520   ----

  25>           9     9     4-    1-    4-    4-   11     0     1-    7     4-    9
         ----  140   140  PASS   -50  PASS  PASS   300  -130   -50   110  PASS   140

  26>           2    11     8-    8-    0     2     8-    2     5     5     5     8-
         ----  620  1100   680   680   200   620   680   620   650   650   650   680

EVENT>Invitational Pairs       |SESSION>Wednesday Mor|SECTION> A E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>November 8, 2023   |SANCTION>ST2311504 | 11/08/2023 13:54|EVENT CODE>07IP
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Jennifer Breihan|RATING>STAC, CLUB>277939            |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  132.0 |TOP>  11 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |CLUB>Bridge Academy Of West Ho
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=13/B=9/C=6                      ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 John Du Bose  Jr       Nile Gross               A    3     .     .    150.50  57.01  0.87(A)
 2 Richard McGaughy       Van Valentine            C    1     1     1    161.50  61.17  1.73(A)
 3 Jan Shrader            Connie Flatten           C    .     .     .    101.50  38.45
 4 Paddy Fiorino          Brigitte Sandifer        A    4     .     .    143.00  54.17  0.61(A)
 5 Jo Graves              Billie Graves            B    .     .     .    125.50  47.54
 6 Jan Watson             Amy Hart                 C    .     .     .    110.50  41.86
 7 William Griffith       David Dyer               A    5     .     .    142.50  53.98  0.35(A)
 8 Linda Drake            Linwood Olson            B    .     .     .    120.50  45.64
 9 Suzanne Noerager       Ellen Valentine          C    .     4     .    130.00  49.24  0.35(B)
10 Cheri Staples          Lucy Terrill             A    .     .     .    114.50  43.37
11 Thomas Martinsen       Roger Marlatt            B    2     2     .    155.50  58.90  1.21(A)
12 Maria Turner           Ronda Kelly              C    .     .     .    122.00  46.21
13 Pamela Greenwood       Kathy Dalton             C    .     3     2    138.50  52.46  0.50(B)

                                          Totals                        1716.00

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13
   1>     1-    6-         10-    6-    1-    6-    6-    6-    1-    1-   10-    6-
          50   100   ----  150   100    50   100   100   100    50    50   150   100

   2>     2     9-         11     2     5-    2     2     5-    7-    9-    7-    2
        -630  -150   ----  -50  -630  -600  -630  -630  -600  -180  -150  -180  -630

   3>     3     3     5-         10     1     0     8     3     5-   11     8     8
        -140  -140  -130   ---- -100  -150  -300  -110  -140  -130    50  -110  -110

   4>     5-   10     1           3     0    10     8    10     5-    5-    2     5-
        -100   140  -200   ---- -110  -500   140   110   140  -100  -100  -130  -100

   5>    10-    2-    0     7-          5     2-    7-    7-    2-   10-    2-    7-
         430   -50  -100   400   ----  120   -50   400   400   -50   430   -50   400

   6>     8    11     5     9-          1     5     3     5     9-    1     1     7
         110   140  -100   120   ---- -200  -100  -110  -100   120  -200  -200    50

   7>     5-   11     5-    0     5-          5-    5-    5-    5-    5-    5-    5-
        -620   100  -620  -650  -620   ---- -620  -620  -620  -620  -620  -620  -620

   8>     2-    5-    1     5-    2-          9     9    11     5-    9     0     5-
        -100   -50  -150   -50  -100   ----  420   420   430   -50   420  -400   -50

   9>     9-    7-    2-    7-    5     5           0    11     2-    5     1     9-
          50  -110  -130  -110  -120  -120   ---- -400   150  -130  -120  -180    50

  10>     6     4     9-    9-    9-    1           4     1     9-    4     1     7
         170   140   620   620   620  -100   ----  140  -100   620   140  -100   200

  11>     9     5-    9     9     3-    9     2            -     -    3-    5-    9
         400   150   400   400    50   400   -50   ---- -450  -450    50   150   400

  12>     7     2     2     7     7     2     0           7     7     7     7    11
         110   -50   -50   110   110   -50  -100   ----  110   110   110   110   400

  13>    10    10     5    10     7     7     2     2           2     7     2     2
        -170  -170  -620  -170  -200  -200  -650  -650   ---- -650  -200  -650  -650

  14>     8-    6     0     2-    1     8-   10     6           2-   11     4     6
         100    50  -500  -150  -420   100   300    50   ---- -150   400  -140    50

  15>     7-   11     4     7-    2-    7-    7-    0     2-         10     1     5
         420   690   200   420   170   420   420  -140   170   ----  450   100   300

  16>     6     6     6     1     6     6    10     6     1          11     6     1
        -400  -400  -400  -430  -400  -400  -170  -400  -430   ---- -110  -400  -430

  17>    11     8-    1-    1-    1-    1-    8-    8-    8-    5-          4     5-
         100    50  -150  -150  -150  -150    50    50    50   -90   ---- -110   -90

  18>     4-    9-    4-    6-    1-    9-    1-    6-    1-    1-         11     8
        -100   110  -100   -50  -130   110  -130   -50  -130  -130   ----  140   100

  19>     4-    4-   11      -    4-    9     9     4-    4-    9      -          4-
        -450  -450   100  -480  -450    50    50  -450  -450    50  -480   ---- -450

  20>     3     3     3     3     8     3    10     8    11     8     3           3
        -620  -620  -620  -620  -170  -620  -100  -170   100  -170  -620   ---- -620

  21>     6-    6-    6-   10     2-    6-    4     1     2-    0    10    10
         100   100   100   200   -90   100  PASS  -100   -90  -110   200   200   ----

  22>     3-    5     7     7     7     0    11     3-    9-    1-    1-    9-
         -90    50   100   100   100  -200   140   -90   110  -100  -100   110   ----

  23>           4     8     4     8     8     4     4      -     -   11     4    10
         ---- -620  -170  -620  -170  -170  -620  -620  -650  -650   100  -620  -140

  24>           9-    1-    1-    1-   11     7     8     5     9-    5     1-    5
         ---- -430  -520  -520  -520  -420  -480  -460  -490  -430  -490  -520  -490

  25>     6-          0     2    11     2     9-    6-    4     9-    6-    6-    2
        PASS   ---- -300  -140   130  -140    50  PASS  -110    50  PASS  PASS  -140

  26>     9           2-    9     9     0     6     2-    6     2-    6    11     2-
        -620   ---- -680  -620  -620 -1100  -650  -680  -650  -680  -650  -200  -680

EVENT>Invitational Pairs       |SESSION>Wednesday Mor|SECTION> B N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>November 8, 2023   |SANCTION>ST2311504 | 11/08/2023 13:54|EVENT CODE>07IP
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Jennifer Breihan|RATING>STAC, CLUB>277939            |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  132.0 |TOP>  11 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |CLUB>Bridge Academy Of West Ho
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=12/B=9/C=5                      ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Jane Armstrong         Nancy Reader             A    2     .     .    160.50  60.80  1.16(A)
 2 Linda McReynolds       Vivian Cyprus            B    .     .     .    132.00  50.00
 3 E Edgar Cosman         Debbie Cole              C    1     1     1    162.50  61.55  1.65(A)
 4 Janet Ellettee         Kathy Lord               C    .     .     .     94.00  35.61
 5 B Haznedar             Miriam Cooper            B    .     .     .    100.50  38.07
 6 Richard Barski         May Hakki                C    .     .     .    131.50  49.81
 7 Sandra Clark           James Sells              A    .     .     .    123.00  46.59
 8 Chloe Ella Fackenthall Jim Middleton            B    3     2     .    145.00  54.92  0.83(A)
 9 Sandra McMinn          Elaine Brill             C    4     3     2    136.50  51.70  0.58(A)
10 Beverly Fanarof        Carolyn Campbell         A    .     .     .    135.00  51.14
11 Gail Gillespie         Kathryn Kent             B    5     4     .    135.50  51.33  0.35(B)
12 Cherie Baer            Edward McKee             C    .     .     .    128.00  48.48

                                          Totals                        1584.00

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12
   1>     6     2     6     6     0    10-    6     2     9    10-    6     2
         -50  -100   -50   -50  -150   120   -50  -100   110   120   -50  -100

   2>     7     5-    2     0     2     2     9-    9-    4     9-    5-    9-
         210   180  -100  -400  -100  -100   630   630    90   630   180   630

   3>     4-   11     9     1-    4-    8    10     7     6     1-    1-    1-
         100   300   200   -50   100   140   240   130   110   -50   -50   -50

   4>    11     9     9     3     7     1     5-    2     9     4     0     5-
         500   200   200  -140   130  -650   100  -200   200  -110 -1400   100

   5>     5     9     9     1     5     1     5     5    11     1     5     9
        -400    50    50  -430  -400  -430  -400  -400   100  -430  -400    50

   6>    11     2-    8      -    4-     -    2-    6-    6-    9-    9-    4-
         400  -100   110  -110   -50  -110  -100   100   100   200   200   -50

   7>     9-    1-    6     6     1-    9-    1-   11     1-    6     6     6
         650  -100   620   620  -100   650  -100   680  -100   620   620   620

   8>     9     4     4     7      -    4     4     9    11     9     4      -
          50  -420  -420  -170  -430  -420  -420    50   100    50  -420  -430

   9>     9      -    8     6    10-    3-    3-   10-     -    2     6     6
         210  -100   180   150   400   110   110   400  -100   -50   150   150

  10>    10-    4     8-    4     0     4     4    10-    4     8-    4     4
         100  -170  -140  -170  -620  -170  -170   100  -170  -140  -170  -170

  11>     6    11     1     6     6     9     3    10     6     1     6     1
         -50   400  -400   -50   -50    50  -100   100   -50  -400   -50  -400

  12>     1     7     7     0     7     7     7     7     7     7     2     7
        -200  -110  -110  -300  -110  -110  -110  -110  -110  -110  -140  -110

  13>     4     6-    6-    6-    2    10     3    10     6-   10      -     -
         600   620   620   620   170   650   200   650   620   650  -100  -100

  14>     4-    9     1-   10     4-    4-    7-    0     7-    1-   11     4-
         100   150   -50   170   100   100   140  -300   140   -50   590   100

  15>     6     9     9    11     2-    9      -    2-     -    6     6     4
        -200  -170  -170  -100  -450  -170  -590  -450  -590  -200  -200  -420

  16>     6    10     6     0     6     1     6     2     6    11     6     6
         400   430   400   110   400   130   400   180   400   460   400   400

  17>     7     2    11     0     7     2     9-    4     2     7     9-    5
         150    90   430  PASS   150    90   180   110    90   150   180   120

  18>     7-    1    11     7-    4     4     1     7-    1     4     7-   10
          50  -140   300    50  -110  -110  -140    50  -140  -110    50   110

  19>     6     2     6     6     6     6      -   10-    6      -   10-    6
         450   420   450   450   450   450   -50   480   450   -50   480   450

  20>     3     3     3     3     3     9     9     3     9     3     9     9
         170   170   170   170   170   620   620   170   620   170   620   620

  21>     7     1-   10     5     1-    8-    1-    1-    5    11     5     8-
          90  -200   120  -100  -200   110  -200  -200  -100   140  -100   110

  22>     4     4     9-    0     4     4     9-    8     4     4     4    11
        -110  -110   100  -140  -110  -110   100    90  -110  -110  -110   120

  23>     9-    7     2-    0     9-    7     7     4     2-    1    11     5
         650   620   170  -600   650   620   620   200   170   140   790   300

  24>     6-   10     9     4     2     6-    6-    2    11     6-    0     2
         490   990   520   480   460   490   490   460  1020   490   430   460

EVENT>Invitational Pairs       |SESSION>Wednesday Mor|SECTION> B E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>November 8, 2023   |SANCTION>ST2311504 | 11/08/2023 13:54|EVENT CODE>07IP
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Jennifer Breihan|RATING>STAC, CLUB>277939            |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  132.0 |TOP>  11 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |CLUB>Bridge Academy Of West Ho
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=12/B=8/C=4                      ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Ed Harper              Hans Strohmer            A    .     .     .    107.00  40.53
 2 Patricia Freeman       Mike Davis               C    .     .     2    123.50  46.78  0.39(C)
 3 William Belford        Dennis Sucec             C    .     .     .    116.50  44.13
 4 Paul Nimmons           Wolf Schroeter           A    5     .     .    145.50  55.11  0.33(A)
 5 Bernice McElwain-Hick  Sherry Withers           B    3     2     .    154.50  58.52  0.83(A)
 6 James Woodward         Mark Levy                C    4     3     1    149.00  56.44  0.58(A)
 7 Lauri Laufman          Nancy Strohmer           A    .     .     .    113.50  42.99
 8 Iris Siqueira          Joe Siqueira             B    1     1     .    175.50  66.48  1.65(A)
 9 Joan Land              Loretta Cross            C    .     .     .    119.00  45.08
10 Gabriel Perry          Youssef Youssef          A    2     .     .    162.00  61.36  1.16(A)
11 Stephen Bickel         Nicholas Rasmussen       B    .     .     .    120.00  45.45
12 Charlotte Johns        Susan Smith              B    .     .     .     98.00  37.12

                                          Totals                        1584.00

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12
   1>     5     9     9     5     2     5      -   11     5      -    9     5
          50   100   100    50  -110    50  -120   150    50  -120   100    50

   2>     4     5-    1-    9     7    11     1-    9     5-    9     1-    1-
        -210  -180  -630   100   -90   400  -630   100  -180   100  -630  -630

   3>     0     4     2     5     9-    9-    6-    9-    3     9-    1     6-
        -300  -130  -200  -110    50    50  -100    50  -140    50  -240  -100

   4>     2     9     2     2     8     7     4    11    10     5-    5-    0
        -200   200  -200  -200   140   110  -130  1400   650  -100  -100  -500

   5>     6     2     0    10    10     6     6    10     2     6     6     2
         400   -50  -100   430   430   400   400   430   -50   400   400   -50

   6>     4-    3     4-   10-    1-    6-    1-   10-    6-    8-    0     8-
        -100  -110  -100   110  -200    50  -200   110    50   100  -400   100

   7>     5     9-    5     5     9-    5     1-    5     9-    1-    9-    0
        -620   100  -620  -620   100  -620  -650  -620   100  -650   100  -680

   8>     7     0     4     2    10-    7     7    10-    7     2     7     2
         420  -100   170   -50   430   420   420   430   420   -50   420   -50

   9>    10-    5     9      -    5     7-    5     7-    2    10-     -    3
         100  -150    50  -400  -150  -110  -150  -110  -210   100  -400  -180

  10>     7     7     2-   11     7     7     7     7      -    7      -    2-
         170   170   140   620   170   170   170   170  -100   170  -100   140

  11>    10     5     5     2    10     8     0     5     1    10     5     5
         400    50    50   -50   400   100  -400    50  -100   400    50    50

  12>     4     4     9     4     4     4     4    10     4     4     4    11
         110   110   140   110   110   110   110   200   110   110   110   300

  13>     4-    1     9    10-    1    10-    8     7     4-    1     4-    4-
        -620  -650  -170   100  -650   100  -200  -600  -620  -650  -620  -620

  14>     1     9-    6-    0     6-    6-    3-    6-    2    11     9-    3-
        -170    50  -100  -590  -100  -100  -140  -100  -150   300    50  -140

  15>     8-    5     2     7    10-    5     2     8-    2    10-    0     5
         450   200   170   420   590   200   170   450   170   590   100   200

  16>     5     5    10     5     5     5     1     9     5     5    11     0
        -400  -400  -130  -400  -400  -400  -430  -180  -400  -400  -110  -460

  17>     1-    9     6     1-    4     9     7     0     9    11     4     4
        -180   -90  -120  -180  -150   -90  -110  -430   -90  PASS  -150  -150

  18>     3-    7     1    10     3-   10     3-    0    10     3-    7     7
         -50   110  -110   140   -50   140   -50  -300   140   -50   110   110

  19>     5     5    10-    5     9      -    5     5     5    10-    5      -
        -450  -450    50  -450  -420  -480  -450  -450  -450    50  -450  -480

  20>     2     2     2     8     8     8     8     2     8     8     8     2
        -620  -620  -620  -170  -170  -170  -170  -620  -170  -170  -170  -620

  21>     2-    9-    4     9-    9-    1     6     6     0     9-    6     2-
        -110   200   -90   200   200  -120   100   100  -140   200   100  -110

  22>     0     1-    7     7     3     1-    7    11     7     7     7     7
        -120  -100   110   110   -90  -100   110   140   110   110   110   110

  23>     4     1-    4     7     8-    8-   11    10     1-    0     4     6
        -620  -650  -620  -200  -170  -170   600  -140  -650  -790  -620  -300

  24>     4-    4-    1     9     2     0     7     4-    9    11     4-    9
        -490  -490  -990  -460  -520 -1020  -480  -490  -460  -430  -490  -460
Invitational Pairs, Wednesday Mor, November 8, 2023

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 1
North Deals
None Vul
8 7 5
A J 6 5
K 7 4
J 5 2
K J 9 2
9 3 2
10 8 3
7 6 4
10 6 4
8 7
A Q J 5
A 10 8 3
A Q 3
K Q 10 4
9 6 2
K Q 9

EW 2; EW 2; EW 2; NS 1;
Par −110: EW 2=

1 NTS2 212010.500.506-Barski-Hakki10-Perry-Youssef
2 NTS2 212010.500.5010-Fanarof-Campbell7-Laufman-Strohmer
2 N2 101109.002.009-McMinn-Brill5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
3 NTS−1 3506.005.001-Armstrong-Reader1-Harper-Strohmer
3 S−1 9506.005.003-Cosman-Cole4-Nimmons-Schroeter
2 N−1 10506.005.004-Ellettee-Lord6-Woodward-Levy
3 NTS−1 3506.005.007-Clark-Sells12-Johns-Smith
4 S−1 2506.005.0011-Gillespie-Kent9-Land-Cross
4 S−2 71002.009.002-McReynolds-Cyprus2-Freeman-Davis
4 S−2 21002.009.008-Fackenthall-Middleton3-Belford-Sucec
4 S−2 21002.009.0012-Baer-McKee11-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 S−3 21500.0011.005-Haznedar-Cooper8-Siqueira-Siqueira

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 2
East Deals
N-S Vul
A K 3
K 10 7 6
Q 9 8
A K 9
J 2
A J 2
7 4
8 7 6 4 3 2
Q 9 7 6 4
8 5 4 3
A J 6
10 8 5
Q 9
K 10 5 3 2
Q 10 5

NS 5N; NS 4; NS 2; NS 2; NS 3;
Par +660: NS 3N+2

3 NTN4 46309.501.507-Clark-Sells12-Johns-Smith
3 NTN4 76309.501.508-Fackenthall-Middleton3-Belford-Sucec
3 NTN4 66309.501.5010-Fanarof-Campbell7-Laufman-Strohmer
3 NTS4 46309.501.5012-Baer-McKee11-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 NTN5 42107.004.001-Armstrong-Reader1-Harper-Strohmer
2 NTN4 61805.505.502-McReynolds-Cyprus2-Freeman-Davis
1 NTN4 61805.505.5011-Gillespie-Kent9-Land-Cross
1 NTN1 6904.007.009-McMinn-Brill5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
3 NTN−1 61002.009.003-Cosman-Cole4-Nimmons-Schroeter
3 NTN−1 61002.009.005-Haznedar-Cooper8-Siqueira-Siqueira
2 N−1 J1002.009.006-Barski-Hakki10-Perry-Youssef
4 N−4 J4000.0011.004-Ellettee-Lord6-Woodward-Levy

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 3
South Deals
E-W Vul
Q 8 4 3
K 2
10 9
A K 10 8 4
K J 10 2
J 7 5 3
Q 4 2
7 6 5
10 8
A K J 8 6
7 6 5
A 9
A Q 9 6 4
7 5 3
9 3 2

NS 3; NS 4; NS 2N; NS 2; EW 1;
Par +140: NS 1+2

2 E−3 A30011.000.002-McReynolds-Cyprus1-Harper-Strohmer
1 NTS6 224010.001.007-Clark-Sells11-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 S5 Q2009.002.003-Cosman-Cole3-Belford-Sucec
3 S3 21408.003.006-Barski-Hakki9-Land-Cross
3 N4 A1307.004.008-Fackenthall-Middleton2-Freeman-Davis
2 S2 21106.005.009-McMinn-Brill4-Nimmons-Schroeter
2 E−1 21004.506.501-Armstrong-Reader12-Johns-Smith
2 E−1 A1004.506.505-Haznedar-Cooper7-Laufman-Strohmer
3 S−1 Q501.509.504-Ellettee-Lord5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
2 S−1 Q501.509.5010-Fanarof-Campbell6-Woodward-Levy
1 NTS−1 Q501.509.5011-Gillespie-Kent8-Siqueira-Siqueira
4 S−1 2501.509.5012-Baer-McKee10-Perry-Youssef

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 4
West Deals
Both Vul
A 5
A 7 5 2
Q 10 8 6 5 3
9 7 4
J 10 9 8 6 4
A 9 2
K Q J 4 3 2
A Q 10 3 2
10 9 8 6
K J 8 5
K 3
K 7 4

EW 3; N 4; N 2N; E 2; S 3; W 1;
Par +130: N 4=

5 ×W−2 1050011.000.001-Armstrong-Reader12-Johns-Smith
3 E−2 42009.002.002-McReynolds-Cyprus1-Harper-Strohmer
3 E−2 42009.002.003-Cosman-Cole3-Belford-Sucec
3 E−2 42009.002.009-McMinn-Brill4-Nimmons-Schroeter
3 N4 K1307.004.005-Haznedar-Cooper7-Laufman-Strohmer
2 W−1 41005.505.507-Clark-Sells11-Bickel-Rasmussen
3 E−1 K1005.505.5012-Baer-McKee10-Perry-Youssef
2 E2 41104.007.0010-Fanarof-Campbell6-Woodward-Levy
3 E3 41403.008.004-Ellettee-Lord5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
4 N−2 K2002.009.008-Fackenthall-Middleton2-Freeman-Davis
4 E5 86501.0010.006-Barski-Hakki9-Land-Cross
3 ×N−5 K14000.0011.0011-Gillespie-Kent8-Siqueira-Siqueira

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 5
North Deals
N-S Vul
K 8 7 4
8 7 4 3
K 10 9 6
A Q 10
J 6 5 3
A J 5
A 8 7
9 6 5 3
K 10 4
K Q 10 6
Q 2
J 2
A Q 8 7 2
9 2
J 5 4 3

EW 3N; W 3; E 2; W 2; W 3; E 2; E 1; N 1;
Par −400: EW 3N=

3 NTW−2 610011.000.009-McMinn-Brill3-Belford-Sucec
3 NTW−1 10509.002.002-McReynolds-Cyprus12-Johns-Smith
3 NTW−1 6509.002.003-Cosman-Cole2-Freeman-Davis
3 NTW−1 9509.002.0012-Baer-McKee9-Land-Cross
3 NTW3 94005.006.001-Armstrong-Reader11-Bickel-Rasmussen
3 NTW3 44005.006.005-Haznedar-Cooper6-Woodward-Levy
3 NTW3 84005.006.007-Clark-Sells10-Perry-Youssef
3 NTW3 64005.006.008-Fackenthall-Middleton1-Harper-Strohmer
3 NTW3 44005.006.0011-Gillespie-Kent7-Laufman-Strohmer
3 NTW4 104301.0010.004-Ellettee-Lord4-Nimmons-Schroeter
3 NTW4 94301.0010.006-Barski-Hakki8-Siqueira-Siqueira
3 NTW4 64301.0010.0010-Fanarof-Campbell5-McElwain-Hick-Withers

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 6
East Deals
E-W Vul
K 10
10 7 4
8 6 5 2
10 9 6 3
Q 9
Q J 8 6 5 2
J 4
Q 7 4
J 7 3 2
K 3
A Q 9 7
K J 2
A 8 6 5 4
A 9
K 10 3
A 8 5

NS 1; EW 1; NS 1; NS 1;
Par +80: NS 1=

2 E−4 A40011.000.001-Armstrong-Reader11-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 W−2 K2009.501.5010-Fanarof-Campbell5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
2 NTE−2 52009.501.5011-Gillespie-Kent7-Laufman-Strohmer
2 S2 Q1108.003.003-Cosman-Cole2-Freeman-Davis
2 E−1 81006.504.508-Fackenthall-Middleton1-Harper-Strohmer
2 W−1 K1006.504.509-McMinn-Brill3-Belford-Sucec
1 S−1 J504.506.505-Haznedar-Cooper6-Woodward-Levy
3 N−1 2504.506.5012-Baer-McKee9-Land-Cross
2 S−2 J1002.508.502-McReynolds-Cyprus12-Johns-Smith
2 S−2 J1002.508.507-Clark-Sells10-Perry-Youssef
2 W2 K1100.5010.504-Ellettee-Lord4-Nimmons-Schroeter
2 W2 K1100.5010.506-Barski-Hakki8-Siqueira-Siqueira

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 7
South Deals
Both Vul
A K J 9
A 8 7 4 3
K 7
10 8 4 3
K 10
A 9 5 3
7 4 3
Q 7 6 5
J 9 6
J 4 2
10 5 2
Q 5 2
Q 10 8 6
A Q 9 8 6

NS 5N; NS 5; NS 4; NS 5; NS 4;
Par +660: NS 3N+2

4 N6 568011.000.008-Fackenthall-Middleton12-Johns-Smith
4 N5 56509.501.501-Armstrong-Reader10-Perry-Youssef
4 N5 56509.501.506-Barski-Hakki7-Laufman-Strohmer
4 N4 26206.005.003-Cosman-Cole1-Harper-Strohmer
4 N4 76206.005.004-Ellettee-Lord3-Belford-Sucec
4 N4 56206.005.0010-Fanarof-Campbell4-Nimmons-Schroeter
4 N4 56206.005.0011-Gillespie-Kent6-Woodward-Levy
4 S4 56206.005.0012-Baer-McKee8-Siqueira-Siqueira
4 N−1 21001.509.502-McReynolds-Cyprus11-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 N−1 51001.509.505-Haznedar-Cooper5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
6 NTN−1 51001.509.507-Clark-Sells9-Land-Cross
5 N−1 51001.509.509-McMinn-Brill2-Freeman-Davis

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 8
West Deals
None Vul
10 8 5
Q 5
A 10 6 2
K 5 4 3
Q J 6
A 10 6
K Q 8 7 5
9 8
A 4 2
K J 8 3 2
4 3
A J 7
K 9 7 3
9 7 4
J 9
Q 10 6 2

EW 4; EW 2N; E 3; W 2; EW 1; NS 1;
Par −420: EW 4=

4 E−2 310011.000.009-McMinn-Brill2-Freeman-Davis
4 E−1 3509.002.001-Armstrong-Reader10-Perry-Youssef
4 W−1 5509.002.008-Fackenthall-Middleton12-Johns-Smith
4 E−1 9509.002.0010-Fanarof-Campbell4-Nimmons-Schroeter
1 E4 91707.004.004-Ellettee-Lord3-Belford-Sucec
4 E4 24204.007.002-McReynolds-Cyprus11-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 E4 24204.007.003-Cosman-Cole1-Harper-Strohmer
4 E4 J4204.007.006-Barski-Hakki7-Laufman-Strohmer
4 E4 24204.007.007-Clark-Sells9-Land-Cross
4 E4 34204.007.0011-Gillespie-Kent6-Woodward-Levy
3 NTW4 34300.5010.505-Haznedar-Cooper5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
3 NTW4 44300.5010.5012-Baer-McKee8-Siqueira-Siqueira

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 9
North Deals
E-W Vul
A J 6 5 4
K J 5
Q 4
K 10 6
Q 9 8 4 3 2
J 5 3
9 7 5
K Q 10 9 7
A 10
9 6
A J 3 2
8 3
7 6
A K 10 8 7 2
Q 8 4

N 4N; S 3N; N 4; N 2; S 3; S 1; EW 1; NS 1;
Par +430: N 3N+1

3 NTS3 440010.500.505-Haznedar-Cooper4-Nimmons-Schroeter
3 NTN3 Q40010.500.508-Fackenthall-Middleton11-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 NTN5 92109.002.001-Armstrong-Reader9-Land-Cross
2 NTN4 21808.003.003-Cosman-Cole12-Johns-Smith
2 NTN3 21506.005.004-Ellettee-Lord2-Freeman-Davis
2 NTS3 41506.005.0011-Gillespie-Kent5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
1 NTS3 41506.005.0012-Baer-McKee7-Laufman-Strohmer
2 S3 21103.507.506-Barski-Hakki6-Woodward-Levy
2 S3 21103.507.507-Clark-Sells8-Siqueira-Siqueira
2 N−1 A502.009.0010-Fanarof-Campbell3-Belford-Sucec
2 N−2 A1000.5010.502-McReynolds-Cyprus10-Perry-Youssef
3 N−2 91000.5010.509-McMinn-Brill1-Harper-Strohmer

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 10
East Deals
Both Vul
7 5
Q 10 7 6 5
A 10 8 4
10 2
A K 10 8 4
9 3
K 9
K 8 7 6
J 9 6 3 2
J 8 2
J 3
A Q 3
A K 4
Q 7 6 5 2
J 9 5 4

EW 3; NS 3; NS 3; EW 1N; EW 2;
Par −140: EW 3=

4 W−1 510010.500.501-Armstrong-Reader9-Land-Cross
4 W−1 A10010.500.508-Fackenthall-Middleton11-Bickel-Rasmussen
3 W3 A1408.502.503-Cosman-Cole12-Johns-Smith
3 W3 51408.502.5010-Fanarof-Campbell3-Belford-Sucec
2 W4 61704.007.002-McReynolds-Cyprus10-Perry-Youssef
2 W4 A1704.007.004-Ellettee-Lord2-Freeman-Davis
3 W4 21704.007.006-Barski-Hakki6-Woodward-Levy
3 W4 A1704.007.007-Clark-Sells8-Siqueira-Siqueira
2 W4 A1704.007.009-McMinn-Brill1-Harper-Strohmer
3 W4 A1704.007.0011-Gillespie-Kent5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
3 W4 A1704.007.0012-Baer-McKee7-Laufman-Strohmer
4 W4 76200.0011.005-Haznedar-Cooper4-Nimmons-Schroeter

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 11
South Deals
None Vul
J 9 7 6
A 9 8
K 10 8 7 6 2
A 4 3 2
5 3
A K Q 10 8 6
Q 10 6 4 2
A 5 4
J 9 7 5 3
K Q 10 8 5
K J 7
Q J 9
4 2

NS 4; N 5; EW 5; S 4; EW 2N; EW 1;
Par +100: EW 6×−1

5 N5 240011.000.002-McReynolds-Cyprus7-Laufman-Strohmer
6 ×W−1 A10010.001.008-Fackenthall-Middleton9-Land-Cross
6 W−1 A509.002.006-Barski-Hakki4-Nimmons-Schroeter
5 S−1 2506.005.001-Armstrong-Reader8-Siqueira-Siqueira
4 S−1 3506.005.004-Ellettee-Lord12-Johns-Smith
4 S−1 A506.005.005-Haznedar-Cooper2-Freeman-Davis
5 S−1 3506.005.009-McMinn-Brill11-Bickel-Rasmussen
5 S−1 A506.005.0011-Gillespie-Kent3-Belford-Sucec
5 ×S−1 A1003.008.007-Clark-Sells6-Woodward-Levy
5 W5 A4001.0010.003-Cosman-Cole10-Perry-Youssef
5 E5 64001.0010.0010-Fanarof-Campbell1-Harper-Strohmer
5 W5 84001.0010.0012-Baer-McKee5-McElwain-Hick-Withers

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 12
West Deals
N-S Vul
J 8 5
4 3
K Q 7 4
8 6 4 2
Q 10 6 3
J 10 5
J 10 2
K 10 3
7 4
A Q 9 6 2
A 9 5
Q 9 7
A K 9 2
K 8 7
8 6 3
A J 5

EW 2; EW 1N; S 1;
Par −110: EW 2=

2 E2 21107.004.002-McReynolds-Cyprus7-Laufman-Strohmer
2 E2 K1107.004.003-Cosman-Cole10-Perry-Youssef
2 E2 A1107.004.005-Haznedar-Cooper2-Freeman-Davis
2 E2 A1107.004.006-Barski-Hakki4-Nimmons-Schroeter
2 E2 A1107.004.007-Clark-Sells6-Woodward-Levy
2 E2 A1107.004.008-Fackenthall-Middleton9-Land-Cross
2 E2 31107.004.009-McMinn-Brill11-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 E2 81107.004.0010-Fanarof-Campbell1-Harper-Strohmer
2 E2 A1107.004.0012-Baer-McKee5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
2 E3 A1402.009.0011-Gillespie-Kent3-Belford-Sucec
1 NTS−2 22001.0010.001-Armstrong-Reader8-Siqueira-Siqueira
3 S−3 J3000.0011.004-Ellettee-Lord12-Johns-Smith

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 13
North Deals
Both Vul
A J 9 7 2
10 9
A 8 7 2
8 6 3
Q 8 7 6
7 5 4 2
10 4
J 10 9 3
A J 6 3
K 9 5
K Q 5
5 4 2
K Q 8
10 6 4 3

NS 4N; NS 4; NS 4; NS 2; NS 1;
Par +630: NS 3N+1

4 N5 J65010.001.006-Barski-Hakki5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
4 N5 J65010.001.008-Fackenthall-Middleton10-Perry-Youssef
4 N5 J65010.001.0010-Fanarof-Campbell2-Freeman-Davis
4 N4 36206.504.502-McReynolds-Cyprus9-Land-Cross
4 N4 J6206.504.503-Cosman-Cole11-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 N4 J6206.504.504-Ellettee-Lord1-Harper-Strohmer
4 N4 J6206.504.509-McMinn-Brill12-Johns-Smith
3 NTN3 J6004.007.001-Armstrong-Reader8-Siqueira-Siqueira
2 N5 J2003.008.007-Clark-Sells7-Laufman-Strohmer
2 N4 J1702.009.005-Haznedar-Cooper3-Belford-Sucec
5 N−1 J1000.5010.5011-Gillespie-Kent4-Nimmons-Schroeter
4 N−1 J1000.5010.5012-Baer-McKee6-Woodward-Levy

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 14
East Deals
None Vul
K J 9 8 5 2
A K J 3
9 8
A Q 7 4
Q 8 7 6
A Q 4
9 8
9 5 4 2
J 7 6
K Q J 10 5 2
10 6 3
K 10 5 3 2
A 6 4 3

NS 3; W 2; NS 1N; NS 2; EW 2;
Par +140: NS 3=

4 ×N4 K59011.000.0011-Gillespie-Kent4-Nimmons-Schroeter
3 N4 K17010.001.004-Ellettee-Lord1-Harper-Strohmer
3 NTW−3 A1509.002.002-McReynolds-Cyprus9-Land-Cross
3 N3 K1407.503.507-Clark-Sells7-Laufman-Strohmer
2 N3 K1407.503.509-McMinn-Brill12-Johns-Smith
3 ×E−1 101004.506.501-Armstrong-Reader8-Siqueira-Siqueira
4 E−2 51004.506.505-Haznedar-Cooper3-Belford-Sucec
4 W−2 71004.506.506-Barski-Hakki5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
3 NTW−2 A1004.506.5012-Baer-McKee6-Woodward-Levy
4 N−1 10501.509.503-Cosman-Cole11-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 N−1 K501.509.5010-Fanarof-Campbell2-Freeman-Davis
4 ×N−2 K3000.0011.008-Fackenthall-Middleton10-Perry-Youssef

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 15
South Deals
N-S Vul
Q 10 3
A Q 9 6 5
A 7 2
A K 8 7 6 2
A 10 8 7 6
5 4
10 7
K 3 2
Q J 10 9 5 4
J 9
K J 4 3 2
9 5 4
8 6 3

EW 4; EW 5; EW 4; EW 1N; NS 1;
Par −420: EW 4=

3 N−1 510011.000.004-Ellettee-Lord11-Bickel-Rasmussen
3 W4 21709.002.002-McReynolds-Cyprus7-Laufman-Strohmer
3 W4 Q1709.002.003-Cosman-Cole9-Land-Cross
3 W4 A1709.002.006-Barski-Hakki3-Belford-Sucec
3 N−2 52006.005.001-Armstrong-Reader6-Woodward-Levy
4 N−2 52006.005.0010-Fanarof-Campbell12-Johns-Smith
4 N−2 52006.005.0011-Gillespie-Kent2-Freeman-Davis
4 W4 A4204.007.0012-Baer-McKee4-Nimmons-Schroeter
4 W5 Q4502.508.505-Haznedar-Cooper1-Harper-Strohmer
4 W5 Q4502.508.508-Fackenthall-Middleton8-Siqueira-Siqueira
4 ×W4 A5900.5010.507-Clark-Sells5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
4 ×W4 A5900.5010.509-McMinn-Brill10-Perry-Youssef

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 16
West Deals
E-W Vul
A Q 9 6 2
A 6
J 9 4 3
J 8
K 10 5 4
J 8 5 3
Q 10 8
6 3
J 8
Q 10 7 2
A K 7 5
9 7 4
7 3
K 9 4
6 2
A K Q 10 5 2

NS 4N; NS 5; NS 2; NS 2; NS 1;
Par +430: NS 3N+1

3 NTN5 246011.000.0010-Fanarof-Campbell12-Johns-Smith
3 NTN4 243010.001.002-McReynolds-Cyprus7-Laufman-Strohmer
3 NTS3 34006.005.001-Armstrong-Reader6-Woodward-Levy
3 NTS3 34006.005.003-Cosman-Cole9-Land-Cross
3 NTN3 24006.005.005-Haznedar-Cooper1-Harper-Strohmer
3 NTN3 24006.005.007-Clark-Sells5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
3 NTS3 34006.005.009-McMinn-Brill10-Perry-Youssef
3 NTS3 34006.005.0011-Gillespie-Kent2-Freeman-Davis
3 NTN3 24006.005.0012-Baer-McKee4-Nimmons-Schroeter
2 NTS4 31802.009.008-Fackenthall-Middleton8-Siqueira-Siqueira
2 S4 31301.0010.006-Barski-Hakki3-Belford-Sucec
2 N2 K1100.0011.004-Ellettee-Lord11-Bickel-Rasmussen

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 17
North Deals
None Vul
A 9 6
Q 3 2
J 6 2
K J 9 7
10 8 4
A 8 7 6
9 7 4
8 5 3
K 7 5 3
K J 9
A 3
Q 10 6 2
Q J 2
10 5 4
K Q 10 8 5
A 4

N 2N; S 1N; NS 2; NS 1; NS 1; N 1;
Par +120: N 1N+1

3 NTS4 643011.000.003-Cosman-Cole8-Siqueira-Siqueira
1 NTN4 31809.501.507-Clark-Sells4-Nimmons-Schroeter
2 NTN4 21809.501.5011-Gillespie-Kent1-Harper-Strohmer
1 NTN3 41507.004.001-Armstrong-Reader5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
1 NTN3 21507.004.005-Haznedar-Cooper12-Johns-Smith
1 NTN3 31507.004.0010-Fanarof-Campbell11-Bickel-Rasmussen
1 NTN2 21205.006.0012-Baer-McKee3-Belford-Sucec
3 S3 81104.007.008-Fackenthall-Middleton7-Laufman-Strohmer
2 S2 5902.009.002-McReynolds-Cyprus6-Woodward-Levy
2 S2 5902.009.006-Barski-Hakki2-Freeman-Davis
2 S2 3902.009.009-McMinn-Brill9-Land-Cross

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 18
East Deals
N-S Vul
Q 9
Q 10 4
A 7 3 2
A J 7 6
K 4 3
A 9 5 3
8 6
K 9 3 2
A J 7 6 5 2
J 8 2
J 4
5 4
10 8
K 7 6
K Q 10 9 5
Q 10 8

NS 4; NS 3; EW 1; S 1;
Par +130: NS 3+1

3 ×E−2 630011.000.003-Cosman-Cole8-Siqueira-Siqueira
3 N3 A11010.001.0012-Baer-McKee3-Belford-Sucec
2 E−1 K507.503.501-Armstrong-Reader5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
3 E−1 5507.503.504-Ellettee-Lord10-Perry-Youssef
3 E−1 K507.503.508-Fackenthall-Middleton7-Laufman-Strohmer
3 E−1 K507.503.5011-Gillespie-Kent1-Harper-Strohmer
2 E2 91104.007.005-Haznedar-Cooper12-Johns-Smith
2 E2 K1104.007.006-Barski-Hakki2-Freeman-Davis
2 E2 K1104.007.0010-Fanarof-Campbell11-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 E3 K1401.0010.002-McReynolds-Cyprus6-Woodward-Levy
3 E3 K1401.0010.007-Clark-Sells4-Nimmons-Schroeter
3 E3 K1401.0010.009-McMinn-Brill9-Land-Cross

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 19
South Deals
E-W Vul
K J 8 6 4
K Q 8 6 2
K 7 2
A 7 2
10 9 6 4
K 6 5 3 2
10 9 5 3
10 7
A Q 8 5 3
10 4
A J 5 4 3
A Q J 9 8 7

NS 5; N 3; EW 2; S 2; NS 1;
Par +450: NS 4+1

4 N6 1048010.500.508-Fackenthall-Middleton6-Woodward-Levy
4 S6 348010.500.5011-Gillespie-Kent12-Johns-Smith
4 S5 104506.005.001-Armstrong-Reader4-Nimmons-Schroeter
4 S5 104506.005.003-Cosman-Cole7-Laufman-Strohmer
4 N5 44506.005.004-Ellettee-Lord9-Land-Cross
4 S5 24506.005.005-Haznedar-Cooper11-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 S5 64506.005.006-Barski-Hakki1-Harper-Strohmer
4 N5 104506.005.009-McMinn-Brill8-Siqueira-Siqueira
4 S5 104506.005.0012-Baer-McKee2-Freeman-Davis
4 S4 104202.009.002-McReynolds-Cyprus5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
6 S−1 A500.5010.507-Clark-Sells3-Belford-Sucec
6 S−1 9500.5010.5010-Fanarof-Campbell10-Perry-Youssef

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 20
West Deals
Both Vul
A 10 8 6 2
J 10 4 2
K Q 2
K J 7 5 3
Q 9 6
8 7 6 5
K 4 3
9 8 2
A K 7 5
J 10 9
Q J 7 5
A Q 10 4
8 3
A 4 3

N 4; S 3; EW 1; NS 1;
Par +620: N 4=

4 N4 A6209.002.006-Barski-Hakki1-Harper-Strohmer
4 N4 A6209.002.007-Clark-Sells3-Belford-Sucec
4 N4 A6209.002.009-McMinn-Brill8-Siqueira-Siqueira
4 N4 A6209.002.0011-Gillespie-Kent12-Johns-Smith
4 N4 96209.002.0012-Baer-McKee2-Freeman-Davis
2 N4 A1703.008.001-Armstrong-Reader4-Nimmons-Schroeter
3 N4 K1703.008.002-McReynolds-Cyprus5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
2 N4 A1703.008.003-Cosman-Cole7-Laufman-Strohmer
2 N4 A1703.008.004-Ellettee-Lord9-Land-Cross
2 N4 21703.008.005-Haznedar-Cooper11-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 N4 A1703.008.008-Fackenthall-Middleton6-Woodward-Levy
3 N4 A1703.008.0010-Fanarof-Campbell10-Perry-Youssef

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 21
North Deals
N-S Vul
A Q 3
J 8 4
K 4
K 8 4 3 2
6 5 4
Q 9 5 3
10 7 2
K 10 8 7
7 2
A J 9 6 5
6 5
J 9 2
A K 10 6
Q 8 3
10 9 7

NS 2; NS 1N; NS 2; EW 1;
Par +110: NS 2=

2 S3 214011.000.0010-Fanarof-Campbell9-Land-Cross
1 NTN2 612010.001.003-Cosman-Cole6-Woodward-Levy
2 S2 71108.502.506-Barski-Hakki12-Johns-Smith
2 S2 101108.502.5012-Baer-McKee1-Harper-Strohmer
1 NTN1 6907.004.001-Armstrong-Reader3-Belford-Sucec
3 N−1 71005.006.004-Ellettee-Lord8-Siqueira-Siqueira
2 S−1 21005.006.009-McMinn-Brill7-Laufman-Strohmer
3 NTN−1 51005.006.0011-Gillespie-Kent11-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 S−2 102001.509.502-McReynolds-Cyprus4-Nimmons-Schroeter
2 N−2 72001.509.505-Haznedar-Cooper10-Perry-Youssef
3 S−2 72001.509.507-Clark-Sells2-Freeman-Davis
3 S−2 102001.509.508-Fackenthall-Middleton5-McElwain-Hick-Withers

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 22
East Deals
E-W Vul
5 4 2
K J 6 3
A 10 5
9 8 6
A Q 7
10 7 5 2
9 8 7 4
7 3
J 10 9 8
Q 9 8 4
Q 3
K 6 3
K J 6 2
Q 10 5 4 2

EW 2; NS 2; EW 1; NS 1;
Par −100: NS 3×−1

1 NTS2 712011.000.0012-Baer-McKee1-Harper-Strohmer
2 W−1 A1009.501.503-Cosman-Cole6-Woodward-Levy
2 W−1 91009.501.507-Clark-Sells2-Freeman-Davis
2 S2 9908.003.008-Fackenthall-Middleton5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
2 W2 21104.007.001-Armstrong-Reader3-Belford-Sucec
2 E2 81104.007.002-McReynolds-Cyprus4-Nimmons-Schroeter
2 W2 91104.007.005-Haznedar-Cooper10-Perry-Youssef
2 W2 A1104.007.006-Barski-Hakki12-Johns-Smith
2 W2 A1104.007.009-McMinn-Brill7-Laufman-Strohmer
2 W2 81104.007.0010-Fanarof-Campbell9-Land-Cross
1 E2 21104.007.0011-Gillespie-Kent11-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 W3 91400.0011.004-Ellettee-Lord8-Siqueira-Siqueira

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 23
South Deals
Both Vul
A J 10 7 6 5 3 2
J 7 4
A 9
Q 4
K 5
A J 8 5 4 2
K Q 4
9 8
A 10 6 2
Q 9 3
J 10 7 2
Q 9 8 3
K 10 7 6
8 6 5 3

NS 4; EW 3; EW 2; NS 1;
Par +500: EW 5×−2

4 ×N4 379011.000.0011-Gillespie-Kent10-Perry-Youssef
4 N5 36509.501.501-Armstrong-Reader2-Freeman-Davis
4 N5 36509.501.505-Haznedar-Cooper9-Land-Cross
4 N4 Q6207.004.002-McReynolds-Cyprus3-Belford-Sucec
4 N4 36207.004.006-Barski-Hakki11-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 N4 J6207.004.007-Clark-Sells1-Harper-Strohmer
1 NTW−3 A3005.006.0012-Baer-McKee12-Johns-Smith
3 N5 32004.007.008-Fackenthall-Middleton4-Nimmons-Schroeter
3 N4 31702.508.503-Cosman-Cole5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
2 N4 Q1702.508.509-McMinn-Brill6-Woodward-Levy
3 N3 31401.0010.0010-Fanarof-Campbell8-Siqueira-Siqueira
5 W5 A6000.0011.004-Ellettee-Lord7-Laufman-Strohmer

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 24
West Deals
None Vul
A K J 9 3
A Q 8 4 2
8 5
Q 10 4
9 8 2
K J 7
K 10 9 4
8 7 5
7 6 5 4
10 9 5 3
J 6
6 2
A Q J 10 3
A Q 7 3 2

NS 7N; NS 7; NS 7; NS 5; NS 5;
Par +1520: NS 7N=

6 NTS7 4102011.000.009-McMinn-Brill6-Woodward-Levy
6 NTN6 799010.001.002-McReynolds-Cyprus3-Belford-Sucec
3 NTS7 45209.002.003-Cosman-Cole5-McElwain-Hick-Withers
3 NTS6 44906.504.501-Armstrong-Reader2-Freeman-Davis
3 NTS6 94906.504.506-Barski-Hakki11-Bickel-Rasmussen
3 NTS6 44906.504.507-Clark-Sells1-Harper-Strohmer
4 NTS6 104906.504.5010-Fanarof-Campbell8-Siqueira-Siqueira
4 N6 74804.007.004-Ellettee-Lord7-Laufman-Strohmer
3 NTS5 44602.009.005-Haznedar-Cooper9-Land-Cross
3 NTS5 104602.009.008-Fackenthall-Middleton4-Nimmons-Schroeter
3 NTS5 44602.009.0012-Baer-McKee12-Johns-Smith
3 NTS4 44300.0011.0011-Gillespie-Kent10-Perry-Youssef

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 25
North Deals
E-W Vul
A J 9 4 2
8 7 5
A 6 5
5 2
J 3
J 9 7 2
A 10 9 6 4
10 7
A 10 6 4 2
Q 4
Q J 8 3
8 6 5 3
K Q 9
K 10 8 3
K 7

NS 2; EW 2; EW 3; EW 1N; S 1;
Par −100: NS 3×−1

Pass4.506.507-Tipton-Mattei1-Du Bose Jr-Gross

STaC Invitational Pairs

Board 26
East Deals
Both Vul
6 3
A J 6
A Q J 9 2
10 5 4
K 10 8 5 2
Q 2
10 8 6 5
A 9
Q 9 7 4
10 7
K 7 4
Q 7 6 2
K 9 8 5 4 3
K J 8 3

NS 6; NS 4; NS 4; NS 2N; NS 1;
Par +1430: NS 6=

6202.009.007-Tipton-Mattei1-Du Bose Jr-Gross